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montair-4 contains allergens?

My 4.5 year old has many allergies and asthma. One of his most severe allergies is to all dairy products.
Our doctor prescribed a daily does of montair-4 chewables. But for some reason I have noticed an odd increase in symptoms when I follow his daily dosage.
Is there any dairy related ingredient in montair-4, the generic for Singulair?
Lactose, calcium lactate, etc.
Please help.
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I'm sorry your son is having such a hard time.  It's got to be very frustrating for both of you when the medication he's been prescribed ends up causing MORE symptoms!

Off the top of my head, I don't know if his meds contain any dairy related ingredients, but there are a couple of ways you may be able to find out:

1) Take the package into the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist if they know

b) Contact the manufacturer of the medication (will be listed on the bottle/box) and ask them what the inactive ingredients/fillers, etc. are in the medication.  Sometimes, these things are listed on the original packaging box, so if your pharmacy distributes the meds in their orginal box (rather than puttin gthem into a bottle), you might want to look at the box yourself and see if anything is lsted.

The other possibility here is that maybe he's having a side effect to the medication?  Have you compared the symptoms that increase after he takes the meds to any listing of possible side effects of the med?  There is a pretty good site that I use pretty often for information about my medications - it's www.     drugs.com  (of course, you would type that all together in the search engine, it's just that I can't type it all together here or it will come out jumbled) -- type in the medication name and it will give you all kinds of information about the med - side effects, uses, dosages, etc.  I find it quite helpful.

Best of luck and I hope your little one feels better soon!
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If your daughter reacts to artificial sweetener that is one of the ingredients in the chewable tablets. Also you will find a common inactive ingredient in many drugs is lactose monohydrate. Yes call your pharmacist.

I hope this helps,
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746512 tn?1388807580
I know singulair has lactose in it so there may very well be lactose in the generic.  

Your dry powder inhalers will have it as well (advair discus, ventolin discus etc)
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