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new wing on the hospital

All the joints and every thing hooked to them was hurting, I had to go get something for it at the nearest hospital. It did help with the pain but two hours later I got this heavy and wizzie thing in my chest, It just kept getting worse with-in aweek I felt bad and went back to the hospital with a cough and couldnt breath good. At the hospital they took a flu test and said they did not know why It was going on ! They sent me home with a antibiotic and said take if I got a secoundary infection only! I
ask if it could be my asthma and they said no, They didnt hear any wizzing! I went home got worse
and aweek later  I went back again, they yelled at me and said I didnt need to come here ever time I need a Dr., Didnt do any thing and sent me home! I went to another hospital about three days later
still could not breath and this Dr give me a updraft treatment and give me leviquin 750 and said I had a very bad pneumonia, here it is three weeks later and I still cant breath good and I have a very bad wizz in my chest still! The first trip to the hospital I used my inhalear and felt better for awhile and I took half of the first antibiotic three days later for four days like he told me to do and I have taken the secound one like they told me to do and I still cant breath good! The first hospital I went to was a new wing and it was a new ER  and all the new dust in it . I have been checked and reeeee checked and my breathing is all that is wrong with me and they dont know why I got the infection at all ! Any help here,  I would be very thankful !

                                                                                    sister mtt
2 Responses
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Thanks Doc., I am doing a little better . Found a DR and he put me on adveiar for the
asthma and the pneumoina is better now. My problem was I am on Mediciad and  
because Im on disability now.I just got it for SVT, AVMs, Asthma, and a bad leg to
boot! These people now days in ERs a something els. No reflection on the good guys!
It took me three trips to the ER and another hospital to get treated.I was tested for the flu and I did no have it, Even the the lady that give me the updraft treament said she could here me whizz across the room that night, told me she had nevr heard such.
The Dr at that ER just shook his head , what could he say? He is the one that told me that I had the pneumonia and did EXrays and there it was big as life in there. Its been my asthma all a long. If the people at the first ER had listen I wouldnt have this as bad as I do now, Im sure I would be well by now. I would sue them but we do need this Hospital, just better DRs. It cross my mind though!  They did test me for the flu and they said I didnt have it! they said they couldnt find any asthma or hear it! They sure heard I didnt have any money.I guess they thought I wouldnt get that bad but I did, and very sick.
I had  fever of 205 that night when I was there and been in the the bed for a month now!
Thank GOD Iam better now and can tell about it.You are right it made my asthma worse.
The DR I am going to now said it might me turing into copd, we will weight and see now!
Thanks for listening to me!

                                                                                         Thanks Again Doc.,
                                                                                            sister mtt
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242588 tn?1224271700
If the doctor in the second ER was correct with the diagnosis of "…a very bad pneumonia," and we should assume he/she was, then you need to have a follow-up x-ray to determine if the pneumonia has or has not cleared.  If not, you may need to have more therapy.  Any infection of the lungs could make your asthma worse.

Sounds like you did have the flu to begin with and it could cause pneumonia and also cause your asthma to worsen.

You should try to get the recommendation of a relative or friend, of a good doctor, and then go to that doctor and not back to the ER.
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