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Could I have breathing issues?

I have had chest pains for over 5 years.  I am beyond frustrated with the way that I feel.  I have pains that are sharp and sudden, pains that are dull and achy, and pains that are constant and bothersome.   And I have shortness in breath and feel just awful. The doctors have said this is just inflammation.  

I have had two stress tests in the last 5 years. They came back normal. I have had Chest X-rays and CT scans and an EKG and ECG. Those too have come back normal.   I am scared that something is really wrong with me.  I said the word anxiety one time, and it has stuck with me.  Whatever I have is causing more anxiety, but the pain is not caused by anxiety.  

Can anyone give me help, suggestions, or support? I feel just completely horrible and upset that I am living with this on a daily basis.  

My doctor has referred me to a gastro doctor and after that, i may be referred to Mayo Clinic. I am scared, concerned and upset this has gone on so long!
2 Responses
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372680 tn?1228161610
"Inflammation" doesn't last five years...  I can certainly understand your frustration and concern about what's going on and why no one can give you some type of answer.  I also think it's a bit odd that you were referred to the Mayo Clinic so easily.

See the gastro doc, see a pulminologist, maybe even see someone about potential anxiety.  Some one has to have answers for you.
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425580 tn?1223925665
Hi Jdh2008,
You could have asthma. I was diagnosed 2 years ago. Just prior to being tested for asthma, I experienced sharp pain in my left arm and chest. I was also sweating and short of breath. I went to the ER and wound up in ICU until I was tested on the treadmill a day later.
Shortly thereafter, I began coughing almost nonstop. I was sent to a pulmonologist who had me take a methacholine challenge test which indicated asthma.
They will probably also test you for gerd . That's why you are going to the gastro doc. Gerd can trigger asthma symptoms.
It sounds as if you are on the way to finding answers. Good luck.
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