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shortness of breath with coughing up clear jelly like mucus balls

at least twice a day i get a shortness of breath which causes me to start coughing and it sounds like i got mucus stuck.once in a while i get these clear jelly like mucus balls that some up what causes this
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1520435 tn?1291150749
welll yeah you might need to go see a doctor and ask him/her to prescribe a medication get help soon
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746512 tn?1388807580
Exces mucus can be caused by chronic bronchitis, COPD, asthma and other conditions.  Anything that causes shortness of breath should be evaluated by a doctor.  You may be spent for pulmonary function tests to determine if there is any decrease in lung function associated.  Another possibility is a bronchosopy (which is totally spelt wrong) where a tube is placed down your throat to look at your lungs, this would allow a doctor to get a sample of the mucus to look for the possibility of infection (although unlikely since the mucus is not coloured).  

Good luck and let us know how it goes!
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i went to the dr he gave me antibiotics and 2 inhalers when is for allergies..they work when i have shortness of breath but they dont stop the problem
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746512 tn?1388807580
Were you given ventolin and advair?  If one is an inhaled steriod, it may take up to 2-3 weeks to notice the benefits from it (with regular use).  Ventolin is a rescue inhaler and will only help the shortness of breath and not the mucus.  Antibiotics may also take some time to help if the mucus is from an infection.  Make sure you are taking medications exactly as you were prescribed and give them a couple weeks before you determine whether they are helping or not.

Another possibility is to get a referral to an allergist and get allergy testing.  This would allow you to find out what the triggers are and trying to avoid them.  However, I'm allergic to cats and own two (there is no way I'm giving them up), so I do have problems with chronic mucus that prednisone doesn't even clear up completely.  

Good luck and hopefully it clears up for you!

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