865406 tn?1240128030

should i see another dr?

hey would psychiatrists know if someones having asthma.and are they like allowed to prescribe inhalers or any other meds used for that?or should i see someone else for that?my pschiatrist told me to try relaxation techniques but i dont think it has anything to do with anxiety?
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I've had anxiety in the past and now I have asthma due to my allergies. I saw 2 doctors and one tapped my head and said it's all in my head and gave me clonazapam (because I asked for it) and the 2nd one sent me to a pychiatrist (which I did not go to). You yourself knows if something's wrong and I tried the anxiety meds and it didn't help at all (I tried it to make sure it wasn't anxiety which I've had had in the past)......so  go see a respiratory doctor. I personally do not like psychiatrists, but the breathing techniques he suggested may help....if it doesn't completely help, go see the specialist. If the doctor is a bozo, get a 2nd opinion, or 3rd.  
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168348 tn?1379357075

I've used relaxation techniques and they do help with muscle relaxation which would probably help ease the chest muscles, too.  I'm not sure on him scribing meds for it .. probalby need to see your primary or specialist.  But the breathing and relaxation combined in these tequniques migh help in my opinion.

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