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sick baby

my son as asthma (2) he has had pneumonia 6 times in a 1 1/2 year time period.  We just recently found out that he has a lot of scarring on lungs.  He cannot seem to get well.  Any suggestions?
2 Responses
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90270 tn?1199334469
I meant episodes with pneumonia...sometimes my fingers think faster than my brain! Sunny
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90270 tn?1199334469
Have the doctors looked into  why your son is having so many episodes with asthma? I mean, have they tested his immune system to see if it is functioning properly, ruled out CF (cystic fibrosis), checked for any structural problems within the lung that may make your son more predisposed to getting these infections and so on.
If these tests havent been done, then I would push for them.
Unfortunately with each infection, scarring can occur in the lungs...
I hope that this helps...Sunny
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