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son has chronic cough, post-nasal drip

My 5-year-old son has had a life of respiratory problems.  It started with constant ear infections and RSV infection as infant.  He has had bronchial-pneumonia and pneumonia, and gets continuous colds and bronchitis, and is sick much more often than is well.  The pediatrician thought he might have underlying allergies and/or asthma and prescribed zyrtec and singulair.  He does require albuterol during episodes of illness to treat wheezing.  I don't believe the medicine is working, as he still continues to get sick - much more so than any of my other children.  Do you have any suggestions for me?  Should I seek opinion of allegist, ENT, or what other specialist?  Should I just "wait" and hope he outgrows his difficulties.
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Thank you.  I live within the proximity of Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City.  I will seek medical evaluation by pulmonologist and allergist-immunologist there.
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362874 tn?1200843556
When my daughter was 5 her sthma was at it's worse.completely out of control and the coughing and wheezing never stopped.She was on corticosteroid inhalers,singular,oral cortizone,anthistamines,antibiotics,tylenol....and was also sick much more often than well.
Now she's 11 and outgrew all these symptoms and been off all her meds except for the singulair for 2 yrs. now.
I just need to warn you about inhalers,they discolor the teeth permenantly ,the brain size of kids on inhalers are relatively small compared to kids their age and it does cause joints pain so you need to check with your ped. about side effects and whether your son can do without it.
My daughter's asthma has also caused chronic sinusitus and otitis media which is middle ear effusion and she had surgery and tubes in her ears so you need to check with an ENT if your sons asthma's not affecting his ears.
Hope that helped:)
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242588 tn?1224271700
It would be wise to have your son evaluated by a pediatric pulmonologist for some type of chronic, possibly congenital, pulmonary disease, such as cystic fibrosis (CF).  He should also be evaluated for an immunodeficiency state by an allergist-immunologist.

No, you should not wait for him to "outgrow his difficulties."
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