212161 tn?1599427282

can you tell me if this is asthma sythoms

can someone plz help me out, i got a cold oct 17 i had a long time than i started whezing with it, and coughing head off till it wanted to explode went to dr 3 times took meds cold part got better but still had the whez and feeling like i could not breath. i have had broncuites lots with colds so was thinking thats what it was but dr said asthma, never had before and am 49 years old.    now the cold/cough part is mostly gone yes i still have a cough now and than and my nose runs at times than stops up, is the asthma ... plus i feel like under water for sec than it goes away is that asthma,   it goes away without me taking aything to make it go away ,i have two inhalers and have only used twice yes it helped with one puff than i not use again for days, does asthma do you like that .  can any one with asthma tell me if you do this or is the the cold/broncuties maybe just still hanging on. sorry about spelling . and am scared to take a inhakler i have been using the xopenex haler .. i also have the powder asmanex they said take at night which i have not used and got flovent inhaler i have not used either . is one better than the other as far as getting rid of it out bronc tuba so it go away . i hope i not have rest my life . thanks again
2 Responses
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212161 tn?1599427282
p.s i have health anxiety so not sure if feeling i cant breath is from asthma/or anxiety.
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212161 tn?1599427282
anyone know
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