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what is wrong with my daughter?

my daughter is 3 years old she has loose bowles every day at least 6 times a day, as soon as she eats she has to poo, sometimes its diarrhea, her stomach is always swollen, she has eczema, and is hungry and thristy all the time, she has behaviour problems too and the doctors have said she has asthma but its not severe, i am unsure about what is wrong with her. when she was a baby she had to be put onto soya milk but she seemed to grow out of that but over the past year she has got worse
2 Responses
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242588 tn?1224271700
You should request that your daughter be seen by a pediatric gastroenterologist.  Her intestinal problem could be inflammatory or infectious, the latter including parasitic disease.  She will probably require direct examination of her bowel and, in all likelihood, will need a biopsy.  She could have lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, celiac disease or irritable bowel due to cow's milk/soy/protein intolerance.  All these are possible causes of her loose bowels.
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231441 tn?1333892766
Please follow the Dr.'s advice to have your daughter checked.

Sounds like she has food allergies.  The first to suspect would be celiac, but there could be other cuases that should be checked.

You could try her on a gluten free diet.  Plenty of on-line information.  But do please get her checked.

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