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is there anyway asthma can change? I use to have sportes indused asthma but now it seems like everytime i lay down i lose breath and i need my inhaler. could it of changed?
2 Responses
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757137 tn?1347196453
It could have gotten worse. By the way, when you lie down, your lungs flatten and the asthma becomes more troublesome because you take in less air. Note that singers never sing lying down.
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746512 tn?1388807580
Asthma is a constantly changing disease, it changes (good or bad) over the years, with increase of trigger exposure and season to season.  The rule is to see your doctor if your peak flows are constantly dropping into the yellow zone (80% or lower) or you have to use your rescue inhaler more than 3 times a week.  

If you aren't testing your peak flows now, I would start.  This would help to show you if your lung symptoms are related to asthma (peak flow drops) or something else cardiac, lung etc based.  This information will help your doctor pin point the problem and prescribe appropriate drugs.
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