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signs of autism?

I have a 2yr old boy and I have been concerned that he may have a problem. I have had 2 other children that were talking in full sentences by 2 and were able to tell me what they wanted. My baby on the other hand, he has said a few words, momma, daddy, kitty, cheese and no,that's about the extent of his vocabulary. He freaks if he gets around other people even if he's seen them a hundred times. When I bring my neighbor's kid over he'll play by himself he won't  interact with the other child.It's especially bad when he gets tired he will hit me, scream, bite and it will take a while to settle him down especially when he knows daddy is going to go to work. My husband works nights and I work days so there is always someone home with him. He has all the attention he needs but it seems as though he feels he needs both of us there at all times. I've tried reading to him as part of a bedtime routine but he'll let me finish all of about two pages and he'll grab the book and throw it. I tried the baby v smile to try to get him to interact and he won't let me sit him down for two minutes. Otherwise he is fairly smart he can operate the dvd player ,put his movies in that he likes but if he runs out of juice he won't tell me juice and bring me the cup, he will scream throw a fit and then throw the cup at me, and if he's watching tv and I try to call him he won't acknowledge me at all I have to go up to him and turn him around to look at me. But sometimes I can call his name from another room and he will come to me, so in any case I don't know what's up with him, any ideas?
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Thanks for the advise. I did make an appt for this thursday so I guess I'll know more then. I want to put him in preschool but if he in fact does have a learning disorder I would like to have that known when I go to enroll him but I thank you again for the advise.
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325405 tn?1262290178
I'd go in to your pediatrician soon, schedule a visit.  Even if it's just a language delay and no other problems, there are therapies out there for kids under age 3.  My friend's boy just had a speech delay which was causing some behavioral issues, and after 6 months of therapy (at no cost to them based off their income), he was speaking at age level.  Many states if you live in US have a 0 to 3 program for therapy that is subsidized.  If he is closer to 3, after the 0 to 3 program, he could qualify for a state funded preschool or therapy then.  Take advantage of the programs that are out there.  If you don't want to go in to the pediatrician's office, many of these state programs don't need a doctor's office referral, you can refer yourself.  Each state has a different name for their program.  But, I'm sure you could google it or just call the pediatrician's office and ask them what the name of it is.

If you don't live in the U.S., try to find out what services are available in your country.
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371143 tn?1229866260
after reading some of the things you have written, it sounds a little bit like my son who just turned 3 in september. At 2 I had him in speech therapy because like your son he had very few words...they were nana, mama, bubbles and triangle.  His speech therapist advised me to look up PDD (pervasive developmental disorder) the more I read the more I had a feeling that was the case.  The pediatrician had said "give him he is a boy and might be a little behind.  At about  2 1/2 I had him evaluated by phycologist and a neurologist who diagnosed him with PDD.  However I work with him alot at home and he now goes to school for 2 1/2 hours a day, his speech has improved tremendously.  He still has other issues but little by little we work through them.  Try having him evaluated by a psychologist or neurologist.
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367831 tn?1284258944
Let's recap: Limited vocabulary and lack of expressive speech; parallell play but lack of interactive play; limited social interaction skills; lack of response to verbal cues; insists on a certain routine (mom and dad @home).  I can't make a diagnosis, but he seems to have some classic behavior indicators for a number of developmental problem areas.  Next time you see a Ped, mention these things.
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