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I have been having alot of phisical ailments and can't get good help on this.From the beginning: I have psoriasis and had shots of quartizone placed into each spot.After this the psoriasis had become more inflamed and itchy like never before.Next went to doc for urinary tract infec Antibiotics given.This was all in Aug. then started having low grade fevers.Sept.brings me the flu.aches and pains sinus and cough.After three weeks things cleared up,still felt feverish, aches and pains.Beginning of Oct.Doc finds urinary tract again,some pain in left kidney and left side of bladder.Treated agian.Did not clear up and treated with leviquin.Now My breasts started to hurt and I checked to find a green fluid coming out.Gyno here I come.Staff infection.Now I'm put on Keflex(twice)after inf.would not leave.Spread to both breasts during this time.I can see changes in breasts.The area around the nipple started to crease strangely only in certain areas and very deep indents(when touched or cold)I now remebered at the time that I had the flu I had a rash under the breasts that was hot and very painful.When I touched it it felt like raw nerves.Lasted two day's.Now my breasts are loaded with white little pmples.Still have green fluid and another part of the nipple excreates a thick yellow fluid.Under the skin of the breast there are white spots noticeable when I lift breast.When stimulted some indent and others puf out slightly.Here is the twist.When on antibiotics (breasts) my psoriasis began to clear problem:now I have white spots on legs.1 is the size of silver dollar & indenting.pls help
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Hi bunny...sorry I'm responding so long after your post.  I just wanted to thank you for responding to my questions and I think I understand it now.  I guess I will see tomorrow what happens for me.  Thanks for your prayers for us all...God bless..

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127512 tn?1193742216
Wow ziggy glad to see you again. How are you?
Vermont girl I believe it will get better with time. Mainly after the holidays is over. I am going to put my mind in a new perspective. It could be the medicine. They told me this could be a side effect. Funny you ask about my chance for recurrance with the med. I called my doctor yesterday with the same question again. Waiting for them to call back. I think he said 12% with the med and 22% without the med. I let you know for sure when they call. As far as my mom, I don't know much about her back then except what I have been told. She had mental problems and a nervous breakdown that all happened during her menopausal years so thats a hard question to answer.
I was thinking about asking  montana girl the same question.
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Boninclyde, of COURSE you are depressed.  This is difficult, and you have every right to be emotional, whether it's feeling tears of joy or tears of sadness.  It makes me mad that docs think everything needs to be 'fixed' with a pill.  I personally think it's healthier to let it out, than stuff it down.  You will stabilize, and part of it also could be a side effect of the Tamoxifan??  If it puts you into menopause then it might create extreme moodiness, for lack of a better word.  Do you know if your mom had mood swings with menopause?  It might give you some indication of how your going to be affected.  You made me laugh this morning with the cowgirl thing.  I guess I'm a wannabe cowgirl...
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I hope that you do not mind my asking, but did your doctor give you any idea of how much the tamoxifen improved your chances of not getting cancer in your remaining breast? While my circumstances are different from yours (I had a lumpectomy for DCIS), I elected not to take medication.
Montana Girl-I know that all of your biopsies have been benign, but is Tamoxifen an option for you as a preventative measure?
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127512 tn?1193742216
Thank you all for caring and sharing with each other. I did have to walk away to have my on pity party a bit. Had that monthly thing this week, saw my doctor, started my meds and the holidays (no family). If I don't get rid of this depression soon I'll have to see yet another doctor. This is all so emotional. I believe what I am going through is normal greiving. Before my surgery I saw my surgeon (a great surgoen) and was crying about my diagnosis and he told me I needed meds for depression. I got angry and told him I have a good d___ reason to be depressed. I have tried them and they just make me feel like a zombie. I couldn't cry if I wanted to. I just thank good every day I wake. I thank God for every munte I can spend with my family. I cry tears of joy and tears of sadness. Sometimes they just run together. Is this normal? Do I need to see a phycyatrist (Can't even spell it)? I maintain. I am active. Not confined to my bed or anything. Everything just makes me cry. Like I said joy and sadness.
Anyways. Off to yet more doctors to get Barcard (Spelling) gene testing done before doctor will decide if he will do my surgery. It will tell him chance of uterine and ovarian canccer. No appt yet.
I have to go for my mamo on the left breast which showed a small spot before my surgery but to small to biopsy. Appt is December 23, 2006 Just before the holidays again.
The tamoxifen. Well the first day I took it that night I got a headache. I never get them. Next two days I felt fine. Now I am having night sweats and dizzyness that should go away soon. Called the doctor today and they said "well that is good (I personally don't think so). We know the medicine is working. Call us back if you have more problems or questions". Yeap thats it. I will try it a few more weeks but like a few of the girls on the other site said my quality is more important to me now not quanity. Hope you understand what I mean. This is to long. I appreciate each of you. Some have been with me since the beggining. Thank you for putting up with me.
Dahrma - let us know ASAP.
bunny711 - Why is your breast still swollen?. Concerning?
laura - I will be waiting for your good news. We'll celebrate.
vermont and montana girls - (sound like cowgirls lol) thank you
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I'm so glad you got your appointment and meds. I was wondering how you were and I was just going to write you, when I saw your post. Thanks for keeping us up to date. Hang in there. You're doing a great job. And, of course, you are in my prayers.
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How is the tamoxifin going?
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Where have you been?  I hope all is well...I'm sure your just taking a break.  I did myself.  I kind of wanted to just walk away and get away from it all for a little while.  Just wanted to let you know that I saw two doc's today and Wed's I'm due for my mamo/sono.  Had a great holiday..hope you did too. Went to the dermatologist who said that my psoriasis is not infected..(thank god)...new meds for that.  Also went to my regular physician..He found that I still have a urinary tract infec...(white blood cell count up)  Been keeping him up to date whith what has been going on (breasts) whith my gyno.  He decided not to put me on antibiotic at this point.  He feels the treatments that I have had should have cleared it all up.  So, I now go for the mamo/sono..After this my gyno wants me to see a breast specialist.  If I don't get immediate treatment, my regular physician wants me to see an infection specialist.....I guess it's still a waiting game.  One more day til mamo so I guess I'll have some answeres soon......

Please let me know how your doing.  I'm very worried about you.  Haven't seen any post's from you lately.... Please write back and let me know how you are.

care about you all in L.I. NY.....Prayers for us all...

god bless
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I also wanted to know how you were feeling, now that you have started your medication. I hope that the holdays were enoyable for you and your family.
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How is it going? Are you felling okay? Thanks for responding.
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127512 tn?1193742216
Thank you for checking in on me. I did it. I started my tamoxifen today. I hope you have a great day. It is beautiful here in NC today 65.
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I am so glad to hear from you. I am spending the holiday at a freind's but there was no computer so I came home to check and see if you posted. You kow I wish you more than luck. I hope today is a special, wonderful day for you and your family. I'm glad your other "parts" look good! I'm sure you are a beautiful woman. Thank you for taking the tome to write. As always, you are in my prayers. There is still a lot to be grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the rest of us!
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127512 tn?1193742216
I will give my wishes to you for it to be nothing. December 6th is my birthday. So I wish for you, your wish.
bunny711 - anyone that goes through what we have to is truly special. Thank You.
laure113 - doctor talked about having the bacar (spelling?) test done which I was going to do later because of my 3 girls. Family history gene testing. He felt it was important because if it is in my genes there is a 30% chance of uterine caner occuring. He did not push the surgery because he knows what I have been through. I was pushing it because I have met all of my out of pocket expenses for the year. Nice to go to the doctor and not have to pay a co-pay. And my breast surgeon sugessted it. Hope you have been following in order for all this to make since. Even if I do the tamoxifen it will not shut the ovaries down completely. I thought it would then all I would have to worry about is the estrogen from my adrenal glands. So the surgery sounds like me if I can do this. They can't do it vaginally because of my fibroids so it is a 6 inch incision in stomach (muscles and all) 6 weeks recovery and no driving. I don't think I can be down that long.  Things in family are always on the go. So next step is gene testing. Maybe surgery Later. Great news today other than 2 fibroids. Female parts looked great. I did not start tamoxifen today as I promised myself I would but first thing in the morining. Thnaksgiving day seems like a great day to start. So wish me luck with the drug for now. I'll keep you posted. Thanks all.
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Hi, Was wondering how you were fairing, your appointment? Please let us know, when you have a chance. God bless you.
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Thanks so much. I think it's wonderful that we pray for each other. There is power in prayer.
Were you able to get your antibiotic? (Watched House, last night, too)
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Everyoone is truly in my thoughts and praygers. bonincylde, you are quite a special person....................

Daharma:  get to the mammo soon, don't wait for your doctors.

Laure113: you know how I feel, you will be fine.

Prayers to everyone!!!!

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Daharma:  calcifications are pre-cancerous cells dying off in your breasts, there is scattered ones (usually benign), and clustered, which I had and Lauren has, which deem indeterminent as they cannot tell whether there may be a lesion underneath growing, in order to really tell is to do a biopsy, thankfully I an fine, however right breast is swolled, but not infection.  Usually if it is signs of maligency, it is caught is such prestages, that all that needs to be done is radiation.  We must be thankful for how far they have come.

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Thanks for writing...what are calcification clusters??  I hear this mentioned alot...It is a horrible thing to wait, at least your first biopsy was fine...that's really good new's.  I can't believe how they make you wait so long with such horrors going through your mind..Hope to God things go quick for you and you get all good new's!!!!!  I will remeber you on the sixth and place a prayer in for you...God Bless....

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Yes, I read you post. Try again tomorrow. Most offices will be closed on Friday. I hope you get your antibiotics. What a miserable thing to go through. I'm waiting on my second biopsy. I was supposed to have two at the same time, but due to a complication, they were only able to do one. My first did come back okay and I am praying the second one will be the same. I have calcification clusters. The odds are good, yet until I get this over with, I can't rest easy. I'm scheduled for Dec.6th. Phooey, long time to wait but I'm not yet healed from the first.
By the way, this was my first mammogram. I should have had one eons ago. It wasn't bad at all. Even the biopsy wasn't that bad. It's the waiting. I hope you have a good Thanksgiving. Thanks for writing.
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Hi Laure....Just wrote to boninclyde with my reponse as to the doc.......thanks for your thoughts and prayers.  I truely appreciate it.  Hope all is well with you....Do you have problems yourself being that you are on this forum????

Thanks again
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I wound up not being able to get in today.  I didn't even bother to call because I forgot my son's got out of school early and I wound up having meet the teacher's day.  Next thing I know I'm cooking dinner and here I am.  My gyno/obstatrician referred me to a breast specialist but didn't want me to make the appt. until I had the mamo/ultrasound.  I tried calling another place in my area to see if I could get an earlier appt. for the mamo/ultrasound but the soonest they had was Dec. 3. I guess Oct. was breast cancer awareness month and everyone was making appts.... I did go to the holpital about a month ago being that nothing was clearing up and I had a temp.  I wound up sitting in the waiting room for six hours.  It became a nightmare.  Noone could tell me when I would be seen and at this point my back was so bad I could barely walk (disc problems and very hard chairs)...I will try my doc tomorrow, my kids will be home and nothing pressing (except of course shopping for thanksgiving...blahhh)..lol..If I just had another chance at an antibiotic I would feel safe.  i think this infection has turned into another type of infection. Both breasts still have the dark green fluid, but the right one has two fluids.  It looks like puss that you would find in a wound, another part of the nipple is the green fluid discharge(same breast)..Let you know tomorrow what happens.  Off to watch my fav. show 'HOUSE'....lol...

Was it today or tommorrow that you go to your doc?  Any news yet...

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I hope you were able to get in touch with your doctor, today. My prayers are with you.
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Dear girl, God bless you.  It sounds like you found yourself in the middle of a nightmare that was real life.  You have been such a help to me, as well as I'm sure, a number of women who have looked to this site for information, support, and just a place to vent.  Good luck with tomorrow, and please let us know how everything went.
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Anytime! I wish I could do something for you. You're in my prayers. So is your family. I'm anxious to hear how your appt goes. Hang in there. We're all pulling for you.
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