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reconstruction pain

What is the normal time frame for pain reduction after bi=lateral mastectamies with expanders? I am still having considerable pain after 3 weeks. Thanks
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242529 tn?1292449214
Dear t-belle, Length of time for experience of pain post op can vary depending on extensiveness of surgery, individual healing etc.  However what we should see is that the pain is reducing as time from surgery goes by.  It is best to talk with the surgeon about the pain you are experiencing so they can assess that all is well with the surgery as well as how your pain could be better managed.  
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While I didn't get to keep my expanders ( lost them to massive infection 4 weeks and  7 weeks after surgery), the pain was there.  I quit the Vicodin and went to Motrin after 2 weeks.  I wanted to get up and start moving around, but that "low grade" fever that was "normal" had me feeling  poor. Usually after surgery for me, getting up and walking around has been the best pain relief, ( 3 c sections, total hysterectomy).
Even tho I never got any more expanders, the feeling in my chest was like those metal bands around a wine barrel...for more than a year.
I play raquetball for an hour 3 times a week and still have some strange sensations now and then. My second plastic surgeon said it's scar tissue moving around and being tweaked by my activities.
I am getting the feeling back under my left armpit, but the right side is still numb. Had a large seroma under that armpit, so the pocket is still there...thanks to the "chief of plastic surgery" at that large reknowned hospital.
I thank him for sending me home with an MRSA and telling me that "low grade" fever while recovering, "was normal".  I thank him for postponing his ski trip to remove the second infected expander.
So much for supposedly having the "best" surgeon available.  It'll be 4 years this Christmas.
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I had a mastectomy 5 weeks ago and just last week I stopped taking vicoden. The pain is there constantly and I have problems sleeping due to the pain. I talked to someone and was told once you can do the exercises they recommend to get movement back that the pain lessens. This week is better. I called my plastic surgeon and he said not to do any exercises. They explained that it is still early in the recovery process. I know that the pain is bothersome. Trust me I know. I am not a patient person - but they told me that after 6-8 weeks that I should be able to do some exercises.
carmen - I too have a pocket under my armpit - it is tough to shave. It was my understanding that most women do - due to the lymph node surgery. I might be wrong. Also my doctor told me about the tamoxifen and told me that 1% of women get ovarian or endometrial cancer from tamoxifen and that no one has ever died from taking it. That was the information I was seeking to make my decision. I will meet with an onocologist on 12/10/07 and will discuss treatment.
Take care t-belle and carme
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It's amazing how little information we are sent home with.  I started doing a few exercises without knowing it's too early. I'm probably doing too much, wouldn't be the first time. The pain has definitely begun to decrease in the past few days...however I had my first fill yesterday of 100 cc in each breast.  My ps thought it wouldn't hurt too much yet, and really it's not too bad, but it definitely feels like it's stretching the muscle :) I can't believe that I actually have a mound already. The Lord has been a constant comfort to me throughout this process, as well as all of you gals...Thanks!!

Maa64, I'll be praying for all of the decisions you have to make in the next few weeks.
Do you know what happened to the other ladies after they recently closed the other post?
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No I was wondering the same thing about where the gals are.

Also please take it easy with the exercises. I can tell you my doctor was adamant about not doing the execises until 6 to 8 weeks. I was doing shoulder rolls and pinching my two shoulder blades together. You may want to check with your surgeon. I had a good chest muscle and they started filling up my expander right from the start of surgery. I woke up with a pretty large mound. Do you know what size your going to choose? I think I'm sticking to a full "B" size. I had a mastectomy in one breast. Will probably have to have work on the other side to even them up a little - seeing as breasts are to be side by side. LOL. After 4 kids gravity has taken a toll. Hope you are doing well.
Keep your positive attitude. I can think of not a whole lot of good out of this, but God promises turn all things to good. The positive thing for me is all the cards, flowers, friends, prayers, etc. That is so positive. My son's orthodontist sent me a card today. I was pleasantly surprised. So look for the good - because sometimes I think that we have to make a conscious effort to look for the good.
Take care
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I am 3 weeks post bi-lateral masectomy and feel your pain also.  I still have to take pain meds one to two times a day.  I am exercising with the ACS recommended exercises.  My PS recommended I do them when I felt like it.  I now have been injected with 530 cc between the two breast and it still hurts.  My PS filled me up quickly becuz I start chemo next week and he wanted me finished with the expanding before it started.
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Rose, so sorry to hear that you are feeling my pain. :) . I am 4 weeks out now, I have 280 in each breast, so about 560 between the two. I will go in next Wednesday for another fill, and each fill seems to make it worse for about a week...yikes!  It seems to be getting a little better with time.

I hope that the chemo goes smoothly for you, I will pray for you.

Hope you're having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.
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Here you are.  I finally have time to write.  Hope Thanksgiving went well for all.  Last Sunday, I fell down and twisted my right ankle real bad, and hurt the left one too just a little less plus skinned my right knee.  I had just gotten the dog outside and "decided" to trip over a cement ridge.  I was soooo mad and thought terrible things.  My dog didnt act like he cared either.  He just kind of looked back as if to say, "well, you coming?"  I have read stories that dogs go back to their owners if they get hurt out in the wild.  Oh well!!!  He didnt even "do anything" outside so the fall was all in vain.  Right after that, I had to unload the trunk of the car which had Thanksgivings meal in it.  Oh, so fun!!

Monday, I had to go to the rads so they could do my dress rehersal at 7:30 in the morning.  I could barely walk.  After I got out of there, I decided to call in sick to work.  I park about 3 good long city blocks away.  I was just afraid my ankle couldnt take it, and I had to get those tennis shoes off cause they were hurting it.

I did cook Thanksgiving and had my mom over.  I am stuffed now, and have gained weight arghhh!!!  Today is the first day my ankle feels pretty good even though somewhat sore and nicely bruised.  I am hoping that by next weekend, I can walk for exercise.  I start out November really strong, then all of a sudden back to work and the terrible fall.

Oh, Thanksgiving night, my drain clogged and was running slowly.  I called a plummer.  Called one where they couldnt come out till Friday.  Then, got ahold of one that could make it the same night.  I wanted to get the dishes done ASAP and not have to worry about the plumming service call after 8 Friday morning.  I wanted to sleep in.  The plummer got here around 8 when Survivor started (oh well, that was just a re-hash anyway).  He left a little after 9 and I did dishes.  WOOHOO!!!

Tomorrow, I start radiation for real.  That means I have to be there at 7:30 in the morning.  I am kind of glad I chose that time since they didnt have anything close to 5:00.  If and when the side effects set in after a couple of weeks, I will know how I feel BEFORE I get to work and I will call in if I feel I need to.  They do realize that I may call in intermittently.  I am actually thinking of scheduling a full body massage and calling in sick.  Plus, the schedule they gave me, they always give one or two extra appointments just in case I call them and tell them I cant make it that day.  I didnt tell the bosses at work about that though and may just call in to rest anyway.

Maa, I found out from my friend that works where I want to go back to they hired somebody.  I was bummed but I was wondering if the boss kind of knew what was going on with me since I was out on disability at the time.  My plan is the day or two after finishing up radiation, I will email that boss and tell her I am still interested and kind of tell her what I have been through but am through with treatments.

Whew!!!  How have things been for you?  I am hoping the pain is lessning and you are feeling stronger?  
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Glad you are back! Wish I lived near you so I could help you out. I grew up a plumbers daughter so I probably could have unclogged the sink for you! Amazing what you learn peering over your father's shoulder while he is working.
Sorry about your ankle, things are mounting up - how are your spirits? You seem to be staying positive and I know that can be hard.
I'll be praying today for your radiation, by now you are probably done, but I will pray the side effects are minimal. I have a massage scheduled for tomorrow. A treat for me! You should really do something for yourself especially getting through radiation. Do you have to do chemo then? And I forget do you have any children? I thought that you did. I stopped taking my sleep meds. and that fog has lifted, I would tell my husband it was like I couldn't connect the dots (in my thought process). Things are really clearing up and I stopped doing stupid stuff. (Misplacing things, putting things in the fridge that didn't belong, etc) I thought it was the effects of the surgery but I think it was the ambienCR med. My son is home sick with a cold - the preschool cold - the never ending cold. Now my 17 year old has the cold - my husband just got over it and my daughter had it .
How are you doing emotionally? For me mostly good but then I have some really bad days. Yesterday it was triggered by a commercial on TV - my husband probably wondered where did that come from?
He has been so supportive. I am so glad to hear from you. I really wish we lived closer - then I could help you through this time. Take care. Keep me updated. thanks and God bless.
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Both of you are in my prayers. This Breast cancer journey sure can take it's toll on a person.  I went in for another fill yesterday....I'm up to 350cc so far. I could feel the stretching this time right as he was putting it in, so I asked him to do 70 instead of 100. Today it's not as bad as it was the last time I got 100.

maa64 How full are you so far ? It sounds like you're beginning to feel better as well. When I went off of the Vicodin I felt such a fog lift....I would always describe it as a fogginess...I'm not sure people understood what I was saying :).

Lahusky I hope, along with Maa that the radiation treatment side effects were minimal. Write when you're up to it and let us know how you're doing.
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I have just been soooooo busy its ridiculous.  Work can sure get in the way!!!  Tomorrow will complete my 1st week of radiation.  I get up a half hour early (5:30), and its still dark.  Kind of good cause then I can take the dog out in my polar fleece robe and not many people are up then.  The ones that are probably dont care.

So far, rads isnt too bad.  Kind of embarrasing in that you lie on a table and they kind of move you around where they eant you.  Then when everything is just right, they leave the room and you can hear the machine circling to where it needs to go, and do its thing.  When I know that its doing its thing, I think of a white light cleansing my body.  No super big side effects yet.  I cream my skin 3X a day.  I use Jeans cream and her website is  www.jeanscream.com   There is another cream Ive ordered too but it hasnt come yet called Sweens.  Why I need two different kinds?  I probably dont but have read about it through other rads people, and Im kind of blingy.  Jeans cream has aloe vera and Vit E in it.  Speaking of BLING, Maa Ill bet that massage was great!!!  I think I will plan one 2 weeks after my treatment ends in Jan sometime.

Sometimes when I lie on the rads table, different thoughts run thru my mind.  Today it was, "WOW I had cancer.  Thats why Im here."  I just rolled with it and let the thought go.  Monday, I seemed sad and down.  I guess partially because it was the first treatment and I guess I was feeling sorry for myself.  I find some days are easier than others and I can express myself 2 different ways.  The first is which is normal for me, "I had cancer (DCIS), I know this is easy BUT WHAT IF I get it again WORSE."  Then I worry and read too much on some websites about people going thru horrific stuff. The second thought I get is, "OK, I had DCIS.  God is telling me something but is very gentle with me.  He wants me to live and enjoy myself instead of having no life.  He wants great things for me."  You know, like a wake up call and my gut is telling me thats what it is.

With rads, no deoderant except crystal or Ive been using Toms but I havent sweat that much yet.  One lady said that if she thought she could smell something, she would dab a little of that purell hand sanitizer under her arm and it was gone.  Go to use gentle soap too like dove or neutrogena, or similar.  I have aveeda body wash right now.

My ankle is still sore but Im hoping I can at least get started walking this weekend.  ITs a bummer.  That might be partially whats wrong with my head too because I havent really gotten out and moved.  My leg sure itches where the scab is.  

Sounds your holding your own and feeling better.  I dont have Chemo (THANK GOD)!!!  Dare I say, Im still on the fence about the drug.  Hope you dont sick with your cold thats floating around.  

I think before cancer, I felt invincible.  Not like a teenager but you never really think about it untill it happens to you.  Then I guess I get scared.  

I will write more later to both of you.  Got to pack my lunch, and get ready.  SO glad its going to be Friday.  I am taking off 2 days in Dec extra and that might help with my fatigue if I get that.  I figure, its a psycological boost.  I get the 7th and the 26th.  Anything helps!!!

t-belle and maa what are your next treatments going to be?
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Its the weekend and I have time to write a bit.  My first week of rads is over, 5 weeks to go.  I did feel tired Friday but I dont think its rads yet.  It rained very well down here finally.  I got in my car from the hospital at 5 till 8.  The freeways were terrible!!!!!  Stop and go all the way to work.  A commute that would take me 15 to 20 minutes tops on the weekend took me about 55 minutes.  I didnt see any accidents thank goodness but man!!!  Still, no one hardly knows how to drive in the rain, and I think when they see raindrops on their windows, it scares them.  Very frustrating!!!!  

I feel kind of like I am coming down with something too.  I think its allergies though.  Its that irritation in the ears ever so slightly and a little bit in the throat too.  It does feel like allergies and probably a light sinus infection.  The wind was blowing so hard around here when it was stormy, and the recent wild fires we had who knows whats all in the air now.  Today, its gorgeous outside.  Sunny and everything just sparkles.  If I didnt have this head cold, I would go for a short walk.  BUMMMER!!!!!

Its going to be a busy week in that I go see my GP tomorrow.  Havent seen her in awhile.  Although its more of a "bling" visit since she does botox.  Im sure she will want to talk to me though and I have alot of my stuff photocopied for her.  I am hoping she will talk to me somewhat.  Wed, I see another Dr that I go to and will discuss Tamoxifen with her, and give her a copy of my records as well.  Wed a couple of hours afterward, I get my hair done finally!!!

Friday I am taking off which is good.  Friday night in our balboa park area every year (the 1st Fri and Sat of Dec), they have "December Nights" which used to be called "Christmas on the Prado".  Its alot of fun to walk around and get in the spirit.  Im having a little bit tougher time of it this year getting into it and this might help me.  They have a whole bunch of areas where you can buy home made goodies including stuff from different areas of the world.  They have little cottages that form the different countries and its interesting and fun.  Plus they have good stuff to eat there as well, and pretty lights and perfprmers.  It just gets crowded and I like to go early and get a good parking place.  They start at 5 and I get there after 3.  They close the parking lots shortly after 5 and traffic gets bad.

I wish I had you as a neighbor maa!!!  We could help each other greatly!!!  I wouldnt mind having the plumbers equipment and learning to use it but theirs probably more to it than that.  My neighbors are the pits, and we all just stay to ourselves.  Around here, its safer.  The neighbors to my left like to throw trash on my side and they really have no manners to speak of.  The ones to the right face a different street and we dont talk.  Theirs one across the street thats a doozy.  Theirs mom and pop with the 2 grown boys now that have been in jail and or were gang bangers.  Their is one child from one of them and their wife or girl friend that lives their too.  Either one boy or the other is always washing their car or truck and vacuuming it.  I really dont think they work since their parents are there too.  It seems like grandma and grandpa are raising the child more than anything.  A couple of dead beat boys there.  They are probably on probation.  I know what they did but they dont know that.  Sounds like fun here huh!!!!!

Tomorrow, is radiation again.  My skin looks really good and I hope it stays that way.  Even though I am off Friday I will still have to go there nice and early but thats ok.  I wont have to get up at the crack of dawn either.  Wont have to worry about applying makeup.  May go home and go back to bed for a little while who knows.  

Tonight Im going to make a healthy version of Shepherds pie.  Its so yummy and good comfort food.  That should last for a couple of days or so.  I like to cook something Sunday so that Monday when I get home from work, I wont have to cook.

Well, thats my story so far.  Have you put up any decorations?  I havent yet.  Call me grinch.

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I love Christmas time, we went to cut down our tree while it was still nice last weekend....this weekend was cold and snowy. We found this wonderful tree called a concolor...it has a citrus pine smell to it when you break a needle. Last year we discovered it at one of the local tree farms, and that tree hardly shed any needles. We put it outside after Christmas and it was still good for another 2 months. My youngest daughter Lucy was the one to find this one and named it Frank, so no matter what other tree we found she would not be satisfied to leave Frank out in the wild...needless to say he came home with us.

I have a collection of vintange and new nativity scenes so I put those up all over the house, and we'll make the gingerbread house next weekend.  I am finally getting some energy back, which I am very thankful for.

Today I go to see the Oncologist to find out if there will be any further tests or treatments that I will have to go through. I feel a bit anxious, but excited too. I've been told that she is an excellant oncologist.

Well Lahusky, I am praying for you and I hope the radiation continues to go smoothly with little side effects. You're a brave and courageous woman and don't you forget it. That shepherds pie sounds yummy. One of my friends that brought a meal after the surgery made me a turkey burger with mashed sweet potatoes shephards pie, and my whole family loved it.

Maa, Haven't heard from you for a while, how are you doing? How are the expander issues going for you? Your compassion and caring always show through in your posts, thanks for being you!

Well guys blessings to both of you, Teresa

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Is me for a little while.
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How I remember the both of you, with love in my heart.  Maa, sometimes circumstances are difficult, but even though not everyday, I've been having you in my prayers, for you are very special to me, you will always be, may God be with you, specially today, for some reason I woke up thinking about you.  I read not long ago that you were a little sad and down, don't be, because God has many good and wonderful things stored up for you this coming year, may all your dreams come true, this is my wish for a year 2008. About me, not todayI will not come back nor read any comments for a long while, maybe a month or two, who knows, soplease don't reply.  I just want to tell you that you are a special lady, loved by God and loved by me, I have so many good thoughts for you, I wish I can go where God is right now and ask Him to take every bad things away and far from you, but you know that all we can do is pray, so I do.  I will not decorate my house this year, no particular reason, is just that the Holy Spirit don't lead me to do that, so I follow.  I want to tell you, that even though I feel for the other ones in this and the other forum and don't feel the faith that they have in God, compared to yours, because of your faith I know that you will be healed, and because of theirs I don't know, all I know is that God regards those that believe truly in Him, not only when things go right, but also when things go terrible, in this forum and the other two I read about miniature faith in Him, I read about a lot of women only thinking about themselves, not in others, they probably don't even notice that their illness is far more important than their material status, but you probably know what I mean, since is very obvious.  Some mentioned not long ago, they they rather not be prayed about on a daily basis, well actually those are the ones that seemed more needy, according to me, I can not even imagine that praying for someone bothers anybody, but the spirit of the anti-Christ is manifested in a lot of people, specially nearing the end of days.  The way I look at all these, is that when you have any kind of illness, that is the time that you want to get closer to God, not closer to been pampered and be serve, but in every circumstances we should be the servant, you know what Jesus Christ wrote about that in His word, I know that breast cancer or any other cancer or illness can be hard and lonely, but our Lord suffered much more and He still served, even when He was been sacrificed, (cannot imagine) and still asked our Father in heaven to forgive those that hurt Him, becaused they don't know what they are doing, well I am no God or not even an important person, so who am I not to ask God for the same thing for those that are still doubting about who He is.  In the end they will howl, cry, scream and only those that believed will be consoled, but we will not have to give an account for what other believe or not, only about what we believe or not, so Maa let's keep believing in the true God, His son and the Holy Spirit, may you keep all these in your heart, and know that I feel in mine that you are blessed a million times.  I know!!!!!!!!!!  A friend in Christ, snowtree.
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It was nice to hear from Snowtree...it's funny that although she doesn't know me, I feel that I know her from the first post that all of you guys were on together.  I used to read it and was encouraged so many times. All of you have been an inspiration to me.

It is quite true that through this process I have felt a very real nearness to the heart of Jesus...He is always present, always whispering His words of love, always making sure that I am aware that He will never leave nor forsake me.  I'm sure that both of you have had similar situations...I know I could not have made it through without Him...He is so good!!!

I found out today that I will not have to have radiation, chemo, or further testing...the report came back that the cancer is no longer present.  I can only thank God for that.  It is still a journey in terms of the reconstruction process and recuperation(SP).

I hope both of you are doing well!
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Just realized I've been spelling your name wrong...please forgive the oversight!
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T-belle YOU are done with treatment then?  Not even hormonal therapy?  That is GREAT news!!!  Im "jealous".  ((((t-belle)))))    I took today off work because of my cold or sinus infection or whatever it is.  I hate it when I lay down, turn my head to the right then I get dizzy for a little while then it stops.  I have a "filled" head but I 'll be ok.  I did go to rads this morning.  Might as well.  I figure thats a place of healing, my work is not.  Plus, if and when I get fatigued down the road fron rads I dont want to push it now.  Sometimes the bosses at work can make you feel bad about missing work if you let them.  Well, I say no more guilt for me!!!  Ive learned alot this year going through this whole process thankfully the best diagnosis if I had to have it at all.  What type of cancer did you have t-belle and maa.  I was checking previous blogs but couldnt find it.  However, those blogs are better than a novel if one wants to laugh or cry.

I hope we hear from Snowtree again!!!!  Been thinking about alot of those people and wondering how they are.

Tomorrow, I will go to work.    I made an appointment with my reg Dr early January just to "follow up" and take a pro active stance in my health.  Shes easy to talk to.  She made some nice comments today acknowledging Ive been through alot but knew I was a trooper.  She said that if theres a gold lining in this its that I caught it early.  I always feel good after walking out of that office.  I had the botox shots, they can hurt.  Then you have to do a repition of 15 smiles and 15 frowns every 15 minutes for 2 hours.  One cannot lay down for a couple of hours either or it can move around to where one doesnt want it to go.  I get it in the forehead and around the eyes.

Oh, Jan 18th I made an appointment for a full body massage for a hour and a half.  That will be a week after rads finishes.  I figure a rite of passage or a celebration and get all the toxins out.
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I actually had invasive lobular cancer, as well as non-invasive lobular cancer. The doc told me yesterday that because I had both kinds they were able to determine that that was the place it began, and since the lab report came back clear, I do not have to have further treatment...we got it at the very beginning... I think bi-lateral matectamies is trouble enough. :)

How about you, labhusky, what was your type of cancer? Remember to drink lots of water when you go for your massage, all those toxins can be yukky! Isn't it amazing that the rest of the world really doesn't understand this whole process and how much energy it takes...especially radiation, chemo, etc. I was like that too before I went through this. I have so much respect for how you're handling it, you're doing great. I'll pray for your next rad treatment! Blessings

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Sorry it has been so long since I have posted.... it seems you get into this chemo-grind and nothing else matters.  Most days, I don't even bother with the internet.  The Adriamycin/Cytoxan combo is all over (I had four of those) and they were definitely ROUGH.  I am now on the Taxol, (four of those, as well)  I have had one so far... They give you a heavy dose of sedation (benedryl IV) beforehand, so mostly you just sleep for 4 hours while it is dripping in.  Definitely not as nausea producing as the other, though the Taxol seems to cause a strange sort of muscle pain for me, sort of like I just ran a half marathon the day before and am just sore all over.  They call it myalgia... I take a bit of Norco each day and it seems to ease the soreness.  That is really the only thing I notice... Still bald.  Have been styling my wigs like they are Barbie hair... I even cut one of them.  My husband said, "Thats about $100 of hair you just wacked off.  
Also trying to do the Christmas thing, though way scaled back.  We have the usual round of hospital cocktail parties and I was delighted to buy my size 6 outfits... have never been quite this lean and mean.  Though now I have no Butt!  That is a bad thing... Trying to get up the courage to go bald to one of the parties just for fun... but have not done it yet.  Have set up the big Christmas tree, then smaller ones in the kids rooms, so they can look at them at night.  They have yet to write their letters to Santa.  Wish they would hurry up, so I could get shopping.  
It is looking like I won't have radiation, so I will be done with chemo in mid January, then probably back to work by the first of Feb.  I only work 2 days per week as a psych nurse, so it will be good to concentrate on other's peoples problems for awhile.  It will also be good to get back in the classroom to volunteer.  They told me I shouldn't volunteer while I was immunosuppressed.  
So, that is all the news from our household.
I think about you all and hope your treatments are going well too.
PS.  I had both invasive ductal and invasive lobular, and one positive node.    I had a double mastectomy on 9/14, no reconstruction yet.  The cancer was in the Left breast, I had the right one taken as well.  My pain is gone, but I am still numb, probably always will be.  Tam.
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Wow, talking about going to parties etc...you are feeling better!
Hang in there girl!
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I don't know if you remember me from the previous posts, but I have been watching the last 2 forum posts since September and have watched your journey unfold. I have come to respect and admire you as you have been an inspiration with how you have approached the whole thing. I was even inspired by you to have a "Say goodbye to the girls party"....it helped me to keep a sense of humor through the process..so thanks!

You seem to be holding up well, but I can sense the weariness that you must have at times...only about a month and a half left for chemo though, so hang in there!!  I'll pray for you. I'm so glad that you don't have to do radiation, I remember that before the oncologist thought you might have to, right?

I have to agree with the docs on staying away from the classrooms for awhile...those little buggers carry so many germs. I remember the first years I taught, I caught everything they had.  I am no longer teaching, but my 11 year old Lucy still brings home the bugs..in fact I'm fighting one right now...She is one of those huggy, kissy girls(like her mom) :)

Let us know how we can pray for you. T-Belle
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t-belle you sound like such a sweet lady, you come across that way, and Lubhusky, well, I know you are sweet from before, so.  You ladies are going through so much, and then again, you are fighters and winners in a great battle called the letter "C".  I am amazed that your Spirits are up and I am glad for that, I wish you both the best in your journey.  I can feel your enthusiasm through your writings, I understand that you can be down and sad sometimes, but then again, who doesn't.  I remember Joy Girl, how sweet she is and enthusiastic as well, I miss her, she was and is a great woman, I wonder where she is and what she is doing at the present moment, hopefully dancing and sprinkling her happiness on the world.  I miss maa, she is adorable, I wish the best to all of you.  I will be back every so often, but not often, because I don't have access to the computer like I did before, my children have lots of homework and I have my daughter back from Iraq, and I have a puppy (a toy yorkie), I love her, specially when she does her butt walk, is hillarious, she wants to eat all the time, I mean she eats non stop if you let her.  About my daughter, well, she has to go back to Iraq this week, because of personal issues (I am not allowed to talk about it), but is making me a little crazy, not to say completely insane.  God works in mysterious ways, when you think something is bad it turns out to be for your own good, I mean He closes doors, but opens new ones, and those new ones are the ones that can bring us happiness at the end, everyone struggles in life, we are like babies trying to get up, but everytime we fall, but like babies we should try to get up over and over again.  Well, enough of these, I wish both of you well.  A friend in Christ, snowtree.
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Please, don't write me back, because I might not be able to answer you and I don't want you to get mad.  
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