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Recovery after partial nephrectomy for cancer

I am six weeks post-op from a partial nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma.  I have done well in the recovery period, only complication was a UTI which was treated with an antibiotic. The pain is minimal at this time, controlled by Advil if needed.  I find am unable to do physical work for more than an hour without getting shaky and sweaty......when can I expect to return to normal tolerance for activity?
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i was diagnosed at 18 with renal cell carsinoma last may 09 and had a partial nephrectomy 2 weeks later. there were a few minor complications post op, (infections) as far as i know they got it all and im cancer free, however, since surgery i have had sever flank pain almost immobilizing me, it is constant and follows with severe nausea. i am currently on pain medication and phenegrin for the nausea. i have taken gabapentin and lyrica and neither worked so the doctors ruled out nerve damage. i have been told that i have excess scarring on my kidney and that it is common in mediteranian skin (im italian) i have had ct scans and blood work and everything else you could immagine and i am tired of pain medication and have been taking it way too long. (they are not working and i do not wish to up my dosage) my question is, can excess scarring be causing this much pain and how do i fix it. and what else might be causing this pain.
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I am 2 weeks out from having the partial neophrectomy (open) surgery and I am curious as to how well should I feel by now.  Can any one help?  
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Hi.  If the area beneath the skin is not inflamed, one reason for the pain your sister is experiencing may be that the surgery caused some damage to nerves supplying that area, resulting in what is called neuropathic pain.  Your sister may try taking some medications to control neuropathic pain, such as gabapentin (Neurontin) or pregabalin (Lyrica), which can be added to the pain medication she is already taking.  
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My sis ter had the partial nephrectomy in November 06.  She did
have cancer and the surgery was done at Univ of Michigan Hospital.
However, she still has skin pain in that area.  She cannot even wear
a pair of jeans. She is only 120 lbs and 5ft 4. She has to wear loose
fitting clothing because clothes rubbing on it hurts her.  She has tried
lidocaine patches and topical creams made with ketoconazole and
a few other ingredients.  NOthing has worked.  The doctor's are
stumped.  Any suggestions.

Thanking you in advance.

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Thank you for taking time to answer my query.  My doctor thinks I am doing fine so I imagine I am just impatient.
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Hi.  I think the question of recovery from the surgery is best answered by the doctor who is treating you, since he can actually examine you and tell you what else you need to do to hasten your recovery.  In general, the speed of recovery would depend on how strong the patient's body is prior to the surgery, and the presence of any other chronic illnesses (e.g. heart disease, diabetes, COPD) which may hamper full recovery.
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