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210459 tn?1197082192

hard lump in neck under skin

I have had a lump in my neck for 7 years. I have buried my head about it till now afraid of what it may be. The lump is non painfull and about the size of a marble. It is slightly visible and protrudes maybe a tenth of an inch from neck. it has grown very slightly in the seven years. The lump is hard and mobile under skin. it feels like its attached to the skin underneath. the skin over it is normal colored. it is located directly in the middle front of neck just beneath my adams apple. Can anyone tell me possible diagnosis of such lumps. I have no medical insurance and want to know how serious this may be. Please help  Matt..
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I found a little pea sized ball right under my jaw where before the neck begins... My mother had Non Hodgkin s   should i be worried?   also when i eat a nice sized meal. i get tingles in my hands and feet like zapping tingles.. and im so tired as if i took sleeping pills.. could that be a starting to diabetes?
Im 22 yrs old.    
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My newborn had a stift lump on left side neck.he just 19 days age.he at hospital n be like rat lab.im very sad saw my baby fobia with nedle.doctor not told what  was that they never deciced correctly.can tell me please help me
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I also have the same as the original poster. But I am female. I have had similar lumps before beside my eye and on my finger and the doctor injected with something ,it went away but came back. Then he said there was 2 on top of eachother so he removed it and it never came back. Now this one on my neck looks like I have an adams apple and I don't have insurance. I forgot what it was called. I just remember something like nodulum something...any ideas what its called
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I'm 13 and have a half inch long eighth of an inch wide bump about two inches from my ear and inch and a half from my jaw it doesn't hurt or itch and you can see it it feels like it is connected to my skin but doesn't move.                      If you know anything I would be happy if you helped thank you
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Hello, I have had pretty much the same problem as you described. I noticed that this was posted a while ago... I am really freaking out! If you have any answers, could you please let me know. I am young, and i'm very scared about this. Could it be cancer? The very thought makes me want to cry. Please respond (: Thank you in advance.
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Oh I forgot to mention, Sometimes when I stretch too hard my muscles around my spine hurt sharply, I cant walk when that happens because it hurts too, I cant breath normally when it happens. Does that small bump have anything to do with this too? Answer all questions please.
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Help please, I have a small bump that is right behind my jaw on my right side. Ive had it for a few months, what is it? How do I treat it? It feels like it isnt even attached to me. At first I thought it was a bug bite since it is pretty common where I live. Suddenly, it became harder and harder, it is firm, but not exactly hard. It is a tiny bit smaller than a marble, feels circlish. I accidentally squeezed it once and It started bleeding, but then the scab came and it returned back to normal, so I doubt it is any kind of cancer. Is this unheard of?
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i just noticed a lump under the skin on the back of my neck..were my hair line is...it doesnt hurt but im just curious to know what it is..
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I am 13 and have many small painless mobile lumps of various shapes under and around my jaws, all over my neck, and on the back of my head, some of which I know I have had for years. I went to see a doctor and they were identified as swollen glands, although I dont think the doctor was very thorough in her examination.
      I also have a lump like the others, rubbery, painless, and fairly mobile, behind my collarbone. I can push it around a little, but it must be connected to something ecause when i let go it goes back into place. I have read that bumps around the collarbone are usually indications of cancer, and I am really sacred.
      But what is really worrying me is a hard lump, unlike the others, ON my what I think is my adam's apple (it's that cartlagey thing sticking out on throat that moves when you swallow.) It feels just like part of the rest of the cartlege it is attached too, only it is just on one side and is growing. It is not really circular like my swollen glands and it moves up when I swallow. I do not really have a family history of cancer, but my grandfather is a lung cancer survivor and my uncle died of lung cancer about a year ago.

     Sorry to ask about more than one topic, but I have also been having random pains all over my body. They range from stinging, stabbing pain to dull aching pain and range in severity to a barely noticeable pain to a pain that makes me catch my breath. This has been going on for a couple months now and I am starting to panic. It seems to happen most often when I am not doing anything or watching TV, laying in bed, reading, or doing other things like that. These pains occur very frequently throughout the day. Please help.

    I really am worrying a lot about these things and am terrified of dying and cancer. I already have some anxiety issues and these problems are really not helping at all. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I need an answer.
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I have this lump on my neck and ive noticed it off and on for a few years. Im 20 years old, female, non smoker or drinker. I can feel it when i put my hand on my right side of the neck. The skin over it can move but the lump doesnt. I can push down on it and it doesnt hurt but feels hard. Im worried about it. I dont have good health insurance but am wondering if this is something that should be checked out immediately or if you think its something that should be left alone? Its located an inch below the jaw bone and an inch or so above my collar bone. Any ideas what it could be?
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u have it on ur neck, and in the vaginal area aswell. i got off the fone to my health care n they ask if i had any lumps on my gron i sed no coz i dont. then she sed if u had u need to go to YOUR GP coz is can be cancer... so i would goto ur doc.
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u have it on ur neck, and in the vaginal area aswell. i got off the fone to my health care n they ask if i had any lumps on my gron i sed no coz i do. then she sed if u had u need to go to YOUR GP coz is can be cancer... so i would goto ur doc.
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I am a 22 year old female I actually went to the doctor 5 months ago because I was having these killer headaches everyday and he said that it was stress from school.I got a MRI done and there were no problems. yayy! My neck was very very tense and he found a lump(most likely a muscle knot). Well now it's been four months and the muscle knot hasn't gone away but the headaches went away as soon as I finished my semester at school. So I was just wondering whether it was a muscle knot or something else? Thanks for the replies ahead of time.
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1466457 tn?1286326543
I am 13, and I have had a lump, which is most likely a cyst, in the side of my neck for about 3 years. I had it ever since I was choked by this retarded kid over something stupid. It was nothing serious. But... Ever since that day, I have had lumps in my neck. I used to be scared to death it was cancer, but I would've died or something at this point if it was. I'm too scared to ask the doctor. I also have it on the other side of my neck, and in the vaginal area. Im not so much worried. I mean, I kinda have forgotten about them. But, I am sharing this to tell you idiots it is not cancer. And go to the freaking doctor if you are do dang worried. Most likely, it's a cyst. They can give you medication, or drain it... you know. Non-risky stuff. I doubt they even need to preform surgery. So yeah. I'm thirteen and know more than most of you. :P
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ok on the right side about an inch under my ear and an inch from my jaw i have a hard lump under my skin that feels like its attatched to muscle thats there. there is a masquito bite on top of it but they dont seem to be related to each other. does anything know what the possibilities are of it being cancer? i am 15 turning 16 in September.
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i also felt one lump when i put my neck down i feel it. i scared ... it was... and exams are near the corner. i am sec 1 only... i dont want to die so early. some of my friends and adults said it maybe was a growing "apple" but i think it is not. The "apple" can grow at the side of neck? i dun think so. untill now it is still not so pain. so i really very scared.
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I think i have this same problem..I was born with two little knots on the right side of my neck and they never hurt when i touch them or press them..my doctor told me they were grease balls or something like that..but that was like 7 years ago..i am 16 and i want to know if these knots/lumps will get bigger and form a tumor or if it will develop into some deadly disease..PLEASE HELP!
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hey i have the same problem. mine is under my right jaw and is mobile when i move it and when i twist my head it sticks out just a little also. can some1 help me on how to get rid of mine and tell me what it is
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In 2001 a Lump appeared under my adam's apple about one inch below it. It became a matter of concern and sought medical attention they could not get a positive diagnosis and wanted to do sugery to check it out. I agreed  Biopsy came back non cancerous 9 Doctors gave their opinion while I laid opened up on the table for 10 hours. Thyroid was removed. The cause was, when I was born I had an enlarged thymus gland and they used Xrays to burn it down. They did and they also fried my thyroid in the process. The transformation in body and spirit has been uplifting to say the least. My thoughts are if anything appears on your neck in the throat area. RUN don't walk to the doctor and get it fixed NOW! I walked around for 53 years unaware what was in my neck until one day it pop it's ugly head. If you have a lump somethings wrong.
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   DocBoston, I have the same thing as Mbradyc, except I have many of them. Is there any way I can get them to go away without surgery?
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About two and a half years ago my father felt a lump on the left side of his throat about two inches below his ear.  It seemed to be growing so he went to the doctor and had a CT scan.  And yes it turned out to be cancer.  A squeosma (spelling?) cell carcenoma.  The best guess is that it was from cancer cells that migrated to his neck from a spot of skin cancer that he had removed from just infront of his left ear.  Now two and a half years, three surgeries, thirty radiation treatments, and 4 chemotherapy treatments later he has growths on his collarbone and the base of his neck.  All expanding out from under the skin and one of which is starting to ooze because it is pushing through the skin.  And we are now waiting to hear from his surgeon as to whether or not another surgery is possible.  Why do I post all this, you may ask?  Because cancer ***** and I want to urge anyone that finds any unusual spot or lump to get it checked as soon as possible.  My father was lucky in one way, he has decent insurance.  I of course, like many others in this economy, do not and it freaks me out.
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two days ago I found a small lump on the left upper side of my neck close to the top when I touch it it hurts and when I move my neck some times. When I swallow it does not hurt.
I am only 15, 16 in December  can you help me ?
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i have 3 lumps marble sized -1 exactly under my left jaw not mobile but protrudes the skin when stretched........the other 2 exactly underneath about 6 inches right above my collar bone that are a little smaller but move about a fingers space----please respond if u no anything
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Can someone help me figure this out.
My father lives on an island where there is no good medical facilities, the closest one would be in Hawaii which is 2,000 dollars away. He has been seen for this problem by the doctors on the island he's at, but they don't know what it is, and so far they've put him on I believe 3 different antibiotics to see if it goes down.
He's almost lost his voice - been 3 months now.  
The doctors found a lump in his neck after doing a scan of some sort. Since then, the lump has now formed liquid that protrudes and moves around his neck - one day it could be over the lump area, then the next it's moved to the front of his throat.
He is also having a hard time swallowing. He says that when he swallows, more air goes down than the now puree'd food. The doctors have now been injecting him with the antibiotics because he is unable to swallow them.
The swelling has grown and has spread to one side of his chest. So from the neck to the chest area has swelled.
My father says that he is in no pain.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Thank you
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