740516 tn?1360942486

Loreena got something :-(

Today I  wont last for a long here since my furry baby Lolo is sick and I have to make her eat,but its always  a pleasure be with you all.
I really dont know whats going on since she woke up yesterday morning apathic,no mood for leaving or eating _ all was ok the previous night.The only I could make her eat later all day long was a  bite of Whiskas sache chicken ( Few) and a few nuggets of dry food.Morning poo was ok
She was so down that She allowed me to take her temperature and she was with fever so I took her to the vet by 4PM ( the hour available) Vet just give her a shot of something for fever/infection ( if I can remember right, I'm dont work properly sleeping bad)and say me iif she was not better next day we will need some lab tests,as blood one for investigate  the reason ( $$$)
So I went home expecting Lolo would be better later on ,bought and cooked some chicken for her _ and the only she took was the liquid - what made me a little calmer (just  a little...) since my greatest fear is she dehydrating.
Today shes a little more active  but keeps almost  not eating - no dry food or whiskas tis this moment (2PM) just some chicken.Dont see her drinking exception to the chicken water.
A proportionaly small poo - 3 little balls
Vet its already stressed out with me,cos I keep calling and sometines do it at the bad tines but what can I do? I cant guess the hour shes avaliable and she never calls back when I ask her for!
Cell credits, money, all is gone...
Call her early morning as set previosly - All I wanna know was if  she wanted me to take Lolo there for blood sampler, since I guess that has to be done in fastening.She say " wait til lunch time to see if she eats."When I call her back to say she had done it poorly and I was afraid she was/is still with fever she tolds me lots ( 8m on the phone) and sugested that  maybe she could internate Lolo.
The story ends by now with me supposed to call her after 4Pm if LOLO eats nothing ,or quite few
Not sure if I will... Hope little girl get some hungry while I'm not home - and, heavens,please dont disappear since getting her back without food interests will  be  a hell.I could not let her inside home, it would make her stressed and reduce even more her appetite
Chicken is not beeig attractive anymore - to make things worse I had give that for her a few days ago,without need!
Do the florals for animals work? Say so and I will consider take the humane...
Sighs... :-(
33 Responses
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874521 tn?1424116797
maybe she is eating something outdoors hon?......Jade isn't well either and we have been stressing how to feed with a dropper perhaps you'll need to do this for the weekend for Lolo too and see if she's better by Monday?????
It is very important she gets a little food and water into her each day...make the food into a liquid and give it to her by a dropper every few hours until she feels like eating on her own.
the shot was probably an antibiotic and that too can make her feel a bit yucky for 24 hrs...but if there is an infection it should be helping within the next day or two.
give her the droppers of liquid food and keep trying to temp her with the chicken. I am praying for you both, I know how stressfull this can be.
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874521 tn?1424116797
Apple here are some good instructions....good luck and ((hugs)) to you both.

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242912 tn?1660619837
Hey Apple, I'm so sorry Lolo's not well.  I'm going thru exactly the same thing with Jade right now and I can totally relate to your distress.  You're alone and that makes it worse.  I might have a husband, but I am the caregiver 99% of the time as well as the one who worries so I know just how you feel.  I was just this morning successful in getting Jade to eat some pumpkin.  Do you have pumpkin?  The organic kind w/no additives - not pie filling.  I'm sure you know since we've talked of this before.  Baby food too - try that if you haven't already.  Beef and chicken is good - maybe beef more for a change.  Jade ate both the beef and chicken.  I'm relieved to hear Lolo drank the chicken water.  

Keep us updated, honey and try not to panic.  And I'm sorry your vet isn't being so patient with you.  We are here for you, Apple.  You and Lolo are in my prayers.  Big Hugs!
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242912 tn?1660619837
Just checking on you, honey.  I suppose it's the middle of the night there for you though.  Write as soon as you're able.  I'm really hoping Loreena ate for you by now!
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996946 tn?1503249112
Apple, I am praying for both you and Jade.  I hope both kitties are getting better by now. I am dealing with Aramis being missing....but only since last night so I'm not in a big panic yet.  If he is outside in the evening he always comes to the door and scratches and I let him in.  Then he stays in the garage at night.  I was gone most of the day today and didn't realize he was really missing until tonight...
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495284 tn?1333894042
How is Lolo doing?  I hope she is feeling better~~~~~~sara
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996946 tn?1503249112
Apple and Jade, I hope the kitties are feeling a lot better today.  Good news for me to report!  I'm thankful and relieved to say that Aramis is safe and sound this morning...the little stinker gave me a little scare.
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242912 tn?1660619837
Linda, that is Great news!  So happy to hear it.  I was wondering about Aramis last night.  

Well, Apple, we will wait for you to check in.  Jade finally began eating on her own early this morning.  I am highly hopeful Loreena has begun to eat as well.  
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996946 tn?1503249112
Isn't it amazing how good we can feel when we know our babies are ok?  :)
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681148 tn?1437661591
I hope you find out what is wrong, and I hope Loreena starts to feel better.  I know how you feel about your precious fur baby, as you've been on this forum all throughout her pregnancy and her brooding her kittens.  I am glad that you even have a vet there in Brazil, from what I remember reading when you initially found Loreena and decided to keep her.  I, too, am sorry the vet is not more patient with you.  I know how hard that is when you're worried about your precious kitty.  I am glad the kitty decided to drink the chicken water, as that should definitely help prevent dehydration.

Jade, I hope the same for your precious kitty.  The pumpkin is strangely a good thing for sick kitties.  For some reason some of them really like it when they're not feeling good and it is recommended by vets as something soothing to the digestive tract.  I remember being told to try it with my red point Siamese I used to have.  It actually helped to save her life, so I could have her for a few more years.
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When I was working at the vet's office, we would get cats that were sick and would not eat. The main concern, of course, is dehydration. You can use a dropper, but don't squirt it in her mouth as she may aspirate it and then you'd really be in a world of hurt. Just dribble it in from the corner of her mouth. This way, it allows her to swallow on her own.

As for cats that will not eat, I am a huge believer in using baby food-chicken is best IMO. It has a very palatable smell and sometimes one just needs to *spark* the appetite one time. Once I was treating a cat for cancer and I fed him the little baby hot dogs. There is used to be a product called Nutrical, which has all manner of vitamins and nutrients. Check with your vat to see if they have this product or one that is similar.
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996946 tn?1503249112
Apple, please let us hear from you soon.  You told of the flooding in your city and the leak in your ceiling.  I hope you are safe where you are.  I think I can speak for every on here that we are concerned for you and your precious kitties.  Please stay safe and let us hear something as soon as you are able.  Love You ♥ Linda
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740516 tn?1360942486
Weather is ok, dont worry about.Floding is gone_ for the ones that faced it.ceiling is still the same but I dont care
Going to the really important points:
1-Happy to hear Aramis is back and Jade feeling better.Lolo is better as well -more details in sequence.
I was sure my friends here were  concerned about her but I had no way to post something here since I'm not using  a computer at
home,public places dont work on weekends  and I also had to keep home watching for Lolo.Well,here we are_ i didnt cheched my e- mails yet but fell like talking with you first.
Back to the point I had stopped:
By the time I left the comp less time I went home about 4pm and discovered Loreena was on a backyard tree.Not a tall one, but a thorny one...( she is used to)
Decided for convincing her to came with me previously to call the vet - and that was not easy since 2 things that usually atracts her ( food or play) this time were causing no impact.Half hour of tries = I didnt want to take her by force cos that could be dangerous for any of us
When she finally came for  canned sardine ( I had no tuna available at the moment)- that btw  I didnt let her eat later on, just that small bite I tried call vet but without success
Next morning I went personally to the vet's office alone to ask if i should take her Lolo for the samples since I was not seeing any progress. Vet was impolite and say ok, so I will internate her  (She's about to be "ex " pretty soon,as the previous ones ...I just like that cause is nearer than the others and has a cat)
To make story shorter, I took Loreena there, she picjk the blood for the hemogram (30 reais -the one I was warned about the need AND the hepatic /renal funtion - the one I had told I DIDNT HAD MONEY for.
She  not allowed me in the room while colecting the stuff - probably cos at that moment I was crying.Not for the exam, for stress.Afer some time ( of couse it took forever for me) she came with 2 tubes and said "I collected both,you pay the other ( plus 40 reais) whem possible,is it ok?
What can we do do? Say "No, waste the material, and if it was proved need I will torture my cat again?
Ok,I agreed
Prescribed a vitamine solution ( 15 reais /13,30 walked half city for discover the drugstore near home was the one with better price- its never so!)

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740516 tn?1360942486
Results get ready today, she say they are ok.Just  in case I will check with another vet or here later on,but Lolo had stated showing more appetite yesterday,not eating more,nor acccepting dry food but showing some interest for things  that she likes.
That happened previously to me starting the medicine, but since the stuff was bought and dont last for long,I will keep giving her for 10 days as she told me,except if Lolo throw up the stuff someday.I'm supposed to give it her twice a day ( 12/12)
The lunch dosis will become hard to give since I let her be outside again without leash and me ( all the weekend doing that - oh my!) It was her prize for starting eat dry food again today, I was wondering she was definitily spoiled and would NEVER come back to that insosse product after 3 days eating just meat ( i tried cow one as well),served in her bed,at hand, piece by piece
No poo yesterday or til the moment  I left home today
Hope met her and some poo when at home again.
Thank you all!
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996946 tn?1503249112
Oh, Apple...I feel for you.  I was holding my breath with every sentence I read.  It certainly sounds like she is feeling better, thank God.  It sounds like Jade and Loreena had something in common...but they are now getting over it.  I'm glad you were able to get her bloodwork done.  I know this has been so stressful on you.  Maybe now you'll be able to breathe a big sigh of relief.  Hope so, Honey!  :) ♥
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740516 tn?1360942486
Appetite is better but she still  waits and beg for tasteful stuff- its being hard not to give her that but I 'll try for today.
Hope she wont decide capturing a bird as chicken substitute ...
First sign she was slightly better was see her chasing a cockroach !

Some poo today abour 9 to 10 Pm - not bad! 2 days without doing that - she was eating amost nothing...
Behaving more normal today, but she not herself yet.Maybe one or two days more - I'm not being myself this last time either,our routine is a little shaken ( hours at home) No mood for going to SP set eye doct for me ( dont worry, just routine,my eyes are fine)

Is Jade ok now?

Blood test brings 2 or 3 small things that make me  a little unconfortable. I will post them here since you probably have a lot of experience with those

Leucocites ( total)  10.700  normal rate 6.000  to 17.000  - ok
Bastonetes   10%    1070     normal rate 0 to 1/ 0 to 2
Linfocites     14%    1498     normal rate 20 to 50/20 to 50

all the others are ok  

Plaquetes are a little lower as well 217.000   n.r 250.000 to 500.000

Does anybody here knows if that means some trouble or disease?All I know related to few plaquetes is that can represent problems in  blood coagulation

Vet had said results were ok .For reasoms already mentioned I didnt read the results at that moment and  I dont want to look for her again now

Should I trusth her?

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740516 tn?1360942486
Ureia and alcaline fosfatase ok
ERITROGRAM just RDW 18%    n.r 10.5 to 14.5%
All the not mentioned itens are ok
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874521 tn?1424116797
hi Apple, I'm not sure the values you are listing from a lab in Brazil???
this site gives you info on how to read lab results and their meanings, but the values are all US measures....may need to convert(?)
as far as this chart reveals...for a feline platelets can vary from 190-800/ul
so if the same measurement chart is used in Brazil than I would think Lolo is within healthy range...read up for yourself, I'm afraid I dont know alot about lab results....other than what I deal with here in Canada..good luck hon. glad she is eating again!!!

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740516 tn?1360942486
The values are the ones that came together with the real results ,for a basic comparisom.And yes, they are from a Brazilan lab, the one  were the test was done
Not sure if its the way it works in your country.But those charts always change according to the methodology used on the essay
Not that I know much about those but I learned a few basic rules about the most commom ones at University,a long time ago ...
Red and white blood series,RH,urine 1, search for parasites (Poo) spermogram .. but all for humanes
Results of the chart I posted for  are in / mm3  for leucogram, mg/dl  for ureia and  U/L for fosfatase ( both last ok)

I will search more about,thanks for taking time in helping me,I will try those sites as well. Kisses!
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740516 tn?1360942486
Ps Very good site,I guess I will find what I need there.Going back there...
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hi Apple, I'm glad to hear Lolo is feeling better.  Sounds though like you're not too sure about the tests.  I will read that site myself when I'm done with this msg.  Jade is feeling much better and has been eating normally.  Whatever was wrong has passed.  Big bucks to the vet for blood and urine tests, but that's okay, it's worth my peace of mind.  Jade is about 10yrs and no bloodwork for a yr so time for it anyway.  Only thing wrong is crystals in the urine.  After seeing you list Lolo's test results, I just called my vet for a copy of the blood and urine results so I can compare also.  

Hopefully, Lolo just got into something that upset her tummy.  I think that must of been what happened with Jade.  With outdoor kitties, one only has so much control.  I'm glad you're able to keep an eye on Lolo's bowel movements.  Jade does her business outside so I never know if she's ill until she actually shows signs whereas if she used a litter box, I might be aware of a problem sooner.  I hope Loreena continues to improve!!  So much worry when our girls are ill.  Like you, I get very upset and obsess about Jade almost every minute until she begins to act like herself again.  

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740516 tn?1360942486
Lolo is about 3yo and those are their first ones...
And she does her business outside as well- when she's there - but in a mount of common sand,so I can check at least if she did and the consistence ,not exactly the way it looks like except if I'm near by the moment.
By the time I've got her she refused using toilet with me watching - now we both are pretty used too.Never more could I read at bathroom ,kids dont allow me  :-)
Eating stuff seens to be really ok now and she's acting fine,I guess.
Giving her the prescribed vitamine "cherry flavour" would become harder and harder everyday -probably cause she Knows she doesnt need that!
I will keep that for the time I could ( medicine prescribes in a month after reconstituted, so almost 90% will be wasted,but...)
Not wishing take that myself as well, but maybe I should ( its one for humane use)
The  thing that worries me now is that I noticed her scratching  a little, as well as Lucky.No way those little rascals can get fleas at this moment cause I CANT afford FRONTILINE/ antiworms again for then all.
The guys from public  city service didnt appear yet to clean the place near my house yet,they are probably  waiting for Carnival time when they always want to make place "prettier" for tourists...
Or for some new flood for then to say are too much busy helping flooded/endangered areas.
Since the day Loreena run away with leash the situation  bothers me, now Im afraid of her hidding in that "jungle" (I do love trees, but there are only grew up herbs and so and trash/old  dead branches  people from the neigborhood throw away.
I was just trying to supperate this fear when she got sick and I  afraid of her dying there...
Well, lets keep going step by step. Lolo is fine,kids are fine, Jade is fine.. - so I'm fine an happy as well .
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242912 tn?1660619837
I'm glad to hear Loreena is okay now.  Nothing to do about the fleas since its Summer for you...or the end of it.  We have to keep moving forward, Apple and try our best not to worry too much.  We'll make ourselves sick doing that.  I understand how you feel completely though.  
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740516 tn?1360942486
Ops, something is NOT OK  yet. Lucky's poo is not ok, therefore I could not see worms by now.Soft and yellowish today morning :-(
Lolo's one is better but not exactly the way I like, but hers I could credit to eating "trash" eventually.
She's also looking for grass today.
Loreena is a lot attached to me this last days,she didnt allowed me leaving home yesterday,it was raining and she was so effective in surrounding me that I gave up and stayed home.
Or maybe she's just trying to tell me she wants chicken and be pampered all day long again  :-)
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