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203342 tn?1328737207

Misha is throwing up

This has been going on for a long time. Every time I've taken her to the vet I've mentioned it. There's a million reasons why she could be throwing up, I'm told. She could just have a nervous stomach, eating too fast, isn't tolerating food well or it could be a medical reason. They ran all kinds of expensive tests on her before doing her surgery a couple of months ago and everything came back fine, including diabetes, kidneys looked fine, etc.
I'm not sure what else to do at this point to help her. I've thought about changing her diet to something easier to digest but not sure if that would make things better or worse.
She also seems hungrier and tries to eat the puppies food before I can grab it. Now, I feed the puppies twice a day and put their food down while watching them eat and then pick it back up when they leave the dish so it's not like Misha's eating a lot of dog food but she does try to sneak in there and grab a few bites while they're eating before I can shoo her away. She usually only gets a few bites but she's become obsessed with trying to eat their food. I don't know if it just tastes better than hers or if she's bored with her food! Again, I make sure I watch the puppies eat and pick up their dish so she's only been able to grab a few bites at times before I could react but I really don't know why she tries so hard to eat their food!
Not sure what to do at this point. Should I try changing her diet? Any suggestions?
17 Responses
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For most ailments, there does not seem to be any hard fast answers.  Sometimes, a diagnosis and treatment works out for the better and sometimes it does not.  Hit or miss process.  I went in for gastro problem and had expensive lab work done. My sister suggested it could be my tap water.  Switched to bottled water and aha! cured!  My 12 year old cat has recently been losing weight, vomiting with increased appetite and water usage.  Took her to the vet and was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.  Now, she cannot hear well if at all and seems to crave much attention.  I will continue to provide and be there for her and hope for the best.  Though trying, may be the best can do.  Hang in there and wish you the best!
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203342 tn?1328737207
Felinefun, thank you for the info. It's something to consider. She does still throw up ocassionally but not as much as she used to. She's also lost a lot of weight over the last couple of years but they said she didn't have Diabetes or any reason they could find except that she's just getting older. But thanks for sharing. And I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitty. :( God bless.
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874521 tn?1424116797
I am so sorry for all the difficulties you've had getting a good dx....no wonder you've become so disillusioned by drs.....even human doctors rely too much on those expensive tests and not some logical thinking.

I would encourage you to go to the top of this screen and click on the GREEN button that says POST A QUESTION....this isn't only for questions, its used to start a new thread of information.
title it 'tumors' or 'vomiting' or 'vets and tests' or something similar. when its a whole new heading others will see it and respond.(and you have alot of good info to pass on)
the way you have you're posting right now is just added to an 'old' topic started back in march and many members will miss reading it.
so please start a new thread of your own so we can all benefit from reading of you're experiences.
If you need more help you can PM(private message) me by clicking on my name and than on 'send a message'
looking forward to reading your post.
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It could be a tumor in her intestine.  I had a cat who vomited every day, sometimes projectile vomiting,  for 2 years until he had lost half his body weight.  He was always hungry, would not eat the dry cat food, and I was cooking for him for most of that time.  The animal had EVERY expensive test that the vet suggested.  I even questioned the vet about cancer and the answer was always, NO, the tests came out fine.  However, after the cat was put down, I found out that one test was never done.  I think it was an endoscopy.  At the end of this time I took the cat to another vet for a second opinion because he really looked sick.  The vet felt his tummy and said immediately that he had a tumor and I put him down right then.  He was 15 at the time, but a younger cat I might have had the vet operate.  
One year later my 2nd cat stopped eating, but was always hungry.  I had stopped going to the first vet, but the next vet wasn't much better.  He also took every expensive test.  When I said that the animal had a bad odor in his mouth he checked the teeth and gums, which were fine, and  then proceeded to order tests.  After $1200 in tests it was determined that it was a kidney problem and I did  water infusions every day.  The cat still didn't eat and looked miserable.  He was sucking up soup because he was so hungry.  I finally went to the vet and had the cat euthenized, but right after that I  asked to see the animal's mouth.  This time the vet lifted the tongue and  there was a huge tumor on the under side of the tongue--something that was not even looked at months before in the first exam.  I am not very fond of vets after those experiences and realize that you have to know something because vets today don't use their brain.  They just rely on expensive testing--sometimes not even the most relevant tests and your animals suffer when they could just be treated or euthenized to prevent more suffering.
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1232362 tn?1333135406
I have 3 cats of various ages who all eat exactly the same food and only one vomitsfrequently. Sometimes it's a few times a week, then not at for a few months
then it starts over. I've tried sensitive systems food, indoor formula, plain old Meow mix-it
doesn't seem to matter. Butters, the chucker, is in fine health except for that! He's about
3 and he's done it his whole life. I wish there was something to be done about it because
they can't be happy that way. Although he doesn't actually seem to care,
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1203956 tn?1266322258
Hi April just seen your post.  Looks like you've got lots of good advice and some ideas to try.  If these ideas won't work I would see if your vet would prescribe a prescription food for your kitty.  Hill's Science Diet has an excellent food called I/D .  It is for tummy issues.  Like pancreatitis or IBS.  Cats can have that too.  It comes in wet and in dry.  It helped my kitty quite a bit after he had pancreatitis so bad he almost died and had to be in the ER for a weekend.  Hope something works for you and your kitty!!  ;-)
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203342 tn?1328737207
Yes, she goes right back to eating, silly cat. ;P
I will look for the Wellness food next time I'm at the store and try it and let you all know how it goes.

I've been trying to mostly stay off the computer and focus on other things but do want to pop in once in awhile and check back with my friends! I will stay in touch. :)
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242912 tn?1660619837
April, we feed Jade the Wellness also (per PK's advice :) and she took to it really well, although, it's the hard food.

Something else.  Does Misha go back and eat after she vomits?  If not, this could be why she seems so hungry.  Jade will vomit, then go right back and eat again.  
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203342 tn?1328737207
Thanks PK, I think I'm going to try a change in her diet and see if that helps. She never gets hairballs, I guess because she's not a long haired cat. She probably just has a sensitive stomach. She does tend to throw up every time I take her to the vet too. We'll try to find something that works and I'll let you all know, thanks. :)
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541150 tn?1306033843
Well guess what. Dillan's nickname is pukey!!! He pukes a lot. But, with this kitty, I know what is going on, so maybe this could help you figure out what Misha's problem really is. Dillan vomits hairballs. Don't know if Misha has hairballs in her vomit but this, not in excess of course, is good. I also changed his food to a food that is easily digestible. Because he eats at an incredible speed, nonstop, I have chosen to feed him little by little. Eating fast makes kitties vomit.....It works. Also, Jade has an excellent point. Whenever I drive down to Miami and the cats stay long hours with no food (I leave a lot of food out but the pigs just don't have discipline) Dillan, not Abby, Abby eats slowly. But Dillan eats even faster......even faster than the speed of light. It is unbelievable how fast he eats. He won't chew!!! Then 2 minutes later the entire food is all over the floor. Gross..
Some foods will make the cat throw up. I know some prescription foods and certain medications will do this. No matter what age the cat is, if a diet is doing more harm than good, and the vets don't see anything wrong with the animal, then I'd say change that food, and switch to something that is easier on her little stomach. Perhaps dry food isn't for her?

I can assure you if you feed her wet foods that are easily digestible, you may see improvement. Natural Balance has a low calorie wet diet which has excellent ingredients. Royal Canin has a food that is for sensible kitties. It's Royal Canin for Sensible cats. It is not expensive and it may work on her. It is easy to keep her weight under control with Wellness, grain free wet foods......very easy. Wellness is good quality.

I really hope Misha gets better from this. I do know that she has been going through this vomiting issue for quite some time now. Keep us posted.
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681148 tn?1437661591
Oh, no!  I'm so sorry Misha is having this digestive issue.  I wouldn't be overly concerned about feeding the kitty wet food, as long as it's a grain free one.  When I started feeding Akira grain free food because of her food allergies, she actually lost some of her excess weight.  She is still a little bit pudgy, but has lost four pounds since I got her.  I am thrilled that she lost this amount of weight and isn't showing any signs of gaining any of the excess weight back.  I don't want my precious fur baby to get diabetes because of weight issues.  And, this adult kitty is starting to have more energy and is interested in playing with her toys by herself again.  Of course, being a concerned pet owner I keep looking for toys I'm sure she is interested in.  I found some mice she loves.  Anyway, the grain free food actually helped her lose the excess weight.  I also think that wet food will help make sure the digestive enzymes actually get into the food.  When I had my IBD cat I always left dry food out for her, because she tended towards being underweight.  But, my pudgy kitty seems to be just fine with my not leaving dry food out for her, as long as I feed her the canned food twice a day.
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874521 tn?1424116797
sorry for Misha's problems, yes very frustrating!!!.........I'd just like to add to the good comments already posted.
If she's eating too much (free feeding) but yet not getting enough nourishment out of her food she will always feel hungry....what brand of food do you feed her?
also an older pet does need a diet that is easier to digest, your Vet would have some options for you.....PM tammy2009, she studies pet nutrition and could give you tons of info in that regard.
the tiny bit of dog food she does sneak could also be a cause, a dog food would be very hard for a cat to digest.
best of luck!!
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242912 tn?1660619837
Yes, maybe try the wet food.  The Lysine will also stick to that better, too.  Lysine also comes in a honey like form in a tube.  That's what weve been given and that would even stick to the dry food if you mixed it up.  It comes in paste form as well.  

Well, I'm out of ideas.  Maybe changing Misha's food would be your next option.  You might consider just getting Misha an Xray of her tummy.  I know money is tight, but it might eliminate the possibility of a foreign object.  

Good luck, April!  Nice to see you back.  Missed seeing you around, but I understand you have to take care of yourself.


p.s I meant to mention that article also mentioned pancreatitis as a reason for vomiting.

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203342 tn?1328737207
I do leave dry food out during the day. I've tried sprinkling that Lysine on the food but it tends to settle to the bottom. I don't usually feed the cats wet food except as a treat because that's what seemed to make them gain too much weight. She does act hungry, though, even with dry food out. I don't know if the Lysine can cause that.

I had x-rays taken of her chest area awhile back to check to see if her heart was enlarged, etc., but not specifically of her stomach.
She's an older cat and doesn't really play with string and all that anymore. She mostly sleeps and eats, lol. Her favorite is sleeping in a sunny spot.

Maybe I should try the wet food again.
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508106 tn?1269959199
My cat had something similar and no one could understand why she was throwing up. Multiple times to the vet she was still unwell then we noticed something in her nose and it was a blade of grass and I pulled it straight out and oh was she ever happier for it. So Like Jade59 said it could be something in Misha's throat or tongue if no other cause seems the problem. Also we were told the best thing to give a cat with a dodgy tummy is chicken breast - usually they're able to keep this down easily. Hope Misha is soon well. I find it so distressing when my cats are unwell.
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242912 tn?1660619837
Oh, hey, are you still putting the Lysine on Misha's food?  This could also be adding to the problem if you are.  Our vet changed brands and Jade doesn't tolerate the new brand at all.
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hi April, sorry this is still an issue with Misha.  So frustrating, I know.  The one thing that seems to help with Jades vomiting is to feed her slowly and I mean a tsp of Fancy Feast at a time, then wait 10mins.  This is time consuming, yes, but it seems to work for Jade most of the time.  Do you leave hard food out for Misha during the day or is there a strict time you feed the animals?  We let Jade free feed throughout the day if she wants which helps the vomiting also.  If she goes all the way from 7am to say, 9pm without eating, I can almost guarantee she'll vomit because she's too hungry and eats too fast.  

Also, just read in my cat magazine about things like string or yarn stuck under the tongue or down the throat or even sitting the the stomach all which can cause vomiting.  I know this has been happening a long time, but has Misha ever had an Xray of her stomach to make sure there's no foreign body in there?
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