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Can't get rid of LICE! HELP!!!!!

My 3 and a half year old has been battling lice for 6 MONTHS.  We have tried RID, NIX, olive oil, Licefreee, nit-picking by hand (HA, HA, she's 3--she won't even sit still for 5 mins, let alone an hour to go through every strand of hair!!.  Every time I think they are gone, they show back up again.  My other kids are clear, and DH insists he can't find any on me (thought I'm awfully itchy--could be psychological).  Doc is not helpful, says the prescriptions available are not good for kids, (fine, but....)offers no other options, just says to pick them out by hand.  I have plastic on everything, change bedding, bagged up stuffed toys.
I finally got fed up and did a no-no--I double dosed her with RID, and then Nix in one day.  When I went to comb and pick nits, I found several LIVE lice!!!!!!  I realize now that they are resistant mutants, and the chemicals aren't working, so there is no point in continuing to expose her to the chemicals, but what can I do????  I am at my wits end, and she announces to EVERYBODY that she has "buggies" in her hair, as she scratches away.  I am MORTIFIED, and want them GONE.  Any suggestions would be appreciated!!!!!  Thank You!
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I have 3 kids and we have lice about once a year.  The only thing that works is heat.  I wash and condition my kids hair, blow dry it then flat iron it.  The blow drier burns the live ones, the flat iron cooks the eggs.  No chemicals, no lice.  Then just wash their bedding coats and hats, spray the furniture with lice spray and vacuum all the lovies go in the dryer on High heat for an hour.  A heck of a lot easier than all that gross stinky flammable shampoo stuff.  I do know people who swear by mayonaisse.  But it's easier just to cook those little suckers.  When my mom gets a an outbreak at her day care she flat irons everyones hair.  It works great and is a lot easier than the rest.
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I'm 18 and I got lice from my 6 year old niece who got it from school. She got rid of it easily with just two lice treatments and going through her hair andpicking out all of the nits. I have long thick hair so it wasn't that easy. But it is possible! I had it for about a month or so before I got rid of it...I tried mayo, lice treatments 5 times, flat iron, conditioner, vinager, my last resort was dying my hair and it WORKED. All I did was get the same color hair dye, 4 of them and used two at a time cause my hair so so thick.. left it on for 25 min and did what the directions said, I then blow dried my hair and had my twin pick out all of the nits she could find. After a day we did it again the same exact way ans she looked through my hair until she couldnt find anything. I was changing my bedding and sweeping everyday btw. And it worked. Finally I am lice free.qe
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try mineral oil soak it in the hair overnight it kills the live bugs. you will have to pick the nits out by hand though. another thing that helps is coconut shampoo, conditioner or grease they don't like coconut. also tea tree oil in the hair helps keep them away too. it also helps to comb your kids hair every other day even when they don't have them because that way you'll know as soon as they catch them and their alot easier to get rid of when not covered in nits.
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Its 2012 & can't get rid of my daughter's lice. The shampoos don't work ;so I will try olive oil
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I am so very thankful to know my daughter is not alone.  Every time she gets lice it takes months to get rid of.  I have found this time around that Sulphur 8 shampoo seems to kill the live ones.  I put it on her hair and let it sit for an hour or two.  After I rinse her head then I comb through it thoroughly.  I need to rewash her hair about every three days and see if that helps.  Every time I think they are gone about 3 days later I find they are back.  I hate those stupid little things.
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use keroscene leave it on for 2 hrs then wash it with anti lice shampoo use the nitcomb and yr free!
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