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Posted on gastroenterology, but COULD this be colon???

I am a 44-year old female who until five weeks ago, have never had an problems with my stomach or digestion.   My youngest child had a 3-day stomach bug and my husband wound up being diagnosed with Hepatitis A the same week that I had a 'bug' of some sort that was the beginning of all of my problems.  My GP said my bloodwork did NOT indicate hepatitis, and is sending me to the gastroenterologist.  I am anxiously awaiting that appointment because I have felt so bad for five weeks now following that 'bug'. My questions are whether or not these symptoms could be consistent with any type of cancer (colon or stomach).   Since getting the 'bug', I have had severe burning pain under my rib cage (both sides) along with stomach cramping if I try to eat a 'normal' meal.    I also have had consistent nausea (no vomitting) which has caused me to lose quite a bit of weight in those five weeks time.   My bowel habits have been pretty typical considering everything else.  I have had general bloodwork done as well as an abdominal and pelvic CT scan all with nothing remarkable.   Until I get to the gastroenterologist, the possibility of a cancer is in the forefront of mind. Does this sound like a possible cancer and what tests should I ask for with my symptoms?  TIA

PS - I have had a complete and thorough check for ovarian problems since those can also cause gastro symptoms along with other gyn symptoms that I have been having which have since resolved.
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THANK YOU :)))))))))))))))))))) I will be so relieved to have it done and over with.  My biggest fear right now is the threat of snow that we have tonight and tomorrow :(( My dad was going to take me to the procedure and I already had arrangements worked out for the kids, so I am going to be VERY let down if the weather is too bad to get out.   I have the kids taken care of even if school is out, it will just need to be not so bad that my dad can't drive me there.    My fingers (and toes) are all crossed that I can get this test out of the way tomorrow.  I am burning so much today it is unbelievable.  And I haven't had any food bad enough to set it off :(((  Nothing except cereal and rainbow sherbet :(((( I'm sooo ready for this.   Will post when it is over and let you know :)
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They will cover everything when they view your stomach.  They look for certain things including any thickening in the wall of the stomach or ulceration, redness, and inflammation. Some things they know what they are by just looking at them, wheras others need to be biopsied. Endoscopy is the best procedure to see what's happening in your stomach.  They know what to look for and won't miss a thing.  They will tell you immediately what they saw.  Enjoy your evening and let me know how it goes!  I'll be thinking of you!
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I feel so bad for you :((( And yet you come on here and help others in the midst of all else you have in your life.  BLESS YOU FOR THAT!   That makes sense on the biopsy.  If they see nothing, then there is nothing to biopsy.  There cannot be small cells that haven't formed a tumor?    Or is it just tumors that they are looking for (if cancer is the concern)?   What about the helio?? that forms ulcers?? How will they know whether to biopsy for that?  I just want to make sure that since I am going through with this procedure that they cover all of the bases because I don't want to have to come back and do it again later, lol!   I will be THRILLED if you have the occasion to say 'I told you so' after the procedure.........absolutely elated :)
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Hi.  Thank you for your kind words. They look for changes in the lining of the stomach, if any are found, this is what they biopsy. Otherwise there is no reason to biopsy anything. You'll be fine, and good for you for not going on the internet which just scares the daylights out of us!  Keep me posted, and I'll be thinking of you, and  waiting with a big "I told you so!" : D
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Wow, I am so sorry to hear about all of your losses and the situation with your son.  I would want to be very much like you and well-versed in the area.  GOOD FOR YOU!  Education is power, you know???    I am relieved that my doctor doesn't seem too concerned, though I'll feel much better after the test on MOnday.   He mentioned if he 'saw anything' that they could do a biopsy during the procedure.  Does there have to be a mass or something visible to find cancer, or could they just take a sample from anywhere to check for cells?  That is the one question I didn't get to ask and I have no idea if I will see the doctor to ask before they sedate me!   NO INTERNET THIS WEEKEND FOR ME :))) At least not on THAT topic, lol!
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I don't have any, but we have an hereditary colon disease in our family which has taken a lot of my loved ones.  My sons both had to have their colons removed at 12 & 16 and my grandson at 10.  We lost our oldest son and grandson to the disease, and I have a son who is living with it who is almost 40.  I lost a husband and a brother-in-law to it as well. So, I study this topic a lot and work with 4 geneticists across the country, and have worked for 2 GI docs.  It sounds like your problem will me a minor one....good for you!!  Since your doctor has given you an acid reducer, it sounds like he thinks you have a peptic ulcer, which is easily treated.  Enjoy your weekend....no internet!  ; )
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Hello!  Appointment went well.  Doctor says he is very confident this is NOT something serious, and also said it was stomach-related and didn't sound like colon at all.  They scheduled an endoscopy for Monday, so I won't have long to sit around and worry about the procedure for too long (I'm glad they had an opening!).   He gave me some prescription strength meds to try and reduce stomach acid in the mean time, as I told him I needed some kind of relief until we can find out for sure what is going on.     FOR SURE I am NOT going to start looking up things that I have no business looking up online, as I will totally lose it mentally :)  I will let you know how the endo goes, though I'm not sure how coherent I will be immediately after?? Might be a day before I get back online, lol! thank you again for the support - it makes a huge difference :)  What kind of gastro issues do you have, BTW?
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Good luck to you!  Yes, stay off the internet because symptoms are so broad that only a doctor can know if they fit us.  When we keep looking things up all it does is scare us....am I'm guilty of this as well! LOL  Please let me know how your appt. goes!
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THANK YOU!! My appointment is today and I am so scared.  I know they won't be able to tell me anything, but still..........I'm scared about it being something serious and won't be relieved until I have the diagnostics completed.  Thank you for listening :)

PS - stomach cancer is so rare in my age group and for females, but when I Google the net, there are a few young females out there who have it :(((  I guess I want to make sure I'm not one of minority that does have it.    I also know that if I find out that I don't, I need to STOP Googling the net for health stuff and self-diagnosing :)
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I'm here anytime you'd like to talk.
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yes, you are right.  The not knowing IS scary.   If I am not totally asleep then i can probably survive it (the general anesthesia thing is also scary!).  I've had similar things before with being sedated but not asleep, so hopefully I should be able to handle it :)  Thank you for the encouragement.  I haven't talked with anyone 'in real life' about it..........it's nice to get some support :)
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I understand, and you won't be completely sedated for the endoscopy.  It's the "not knowing" that is the scariest, knowledge is power where our health is concerned.  You'll be fine, try to relax.  Take care.
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Thank you for your response :)) I'm sorry, on another post I asked you a question which you have answered above :)

I was afraid that an endoscope would be required.  That scares me, but not knowing what is going on scares me more! I need to research and find if they can do this with general sedation or if I have to be fully asleep (I hope it is just sedation).  I am kind of thinking it is stomach-related, too.  Thank you for the feedback.   I also had thought about ulcers.   I just want to feel better!
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I don't feel this is a problem with cancer or your colon, but with your stomach.  It may be an ulcer which causes burning.  You need an Endoscopy so the GI doc can view your stomach to see what's going on.  There are several benign things it can be, and you sound healthy in every other aspect, I truly wouldn't worry. I hope this helps and wish you all the best.
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