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Chronic diarrhea ... worry or not?

My husband has had chronic diarrhea now for months.  He refuses to go to a doctor about it.  He is 58 years old and has yet to have a 'man's exam' as he calls it.  He has never smoked, but coughs more than he has since we've known each other.  In the last six months, he has seemed more tired.  He was always out and doing something by 6am, but now on weekends, he can sleep until 8!  He just isn't acting like he once did.  Should I be worried or is this just age taking hold of him.  He has always been a very hard worker, so seeing him tired all the time is SO out of place!  
What really worries me though, is that if it's something bad, he still won't do anything about it.  He's never been one to go to the doctor, never needed to.  Not much on pills ... not even vitamins.  
Can anyone help?  
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I had diarrhea for three months,  went to doctor, he check my poop, and everything was ok, check my blood and my iron levels were low (anemia) did more studies SCAN, Colonoscopy and they found a cancerous tumor in my colon.
They removed and the cancer was caught on time, because no cancer spreaded to any other organizations.
He must check right away!
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Hi therr

Im 35 and feeling the same way. I really dont know what it is. Ive been to the doc and he did stool samples which came back neg for infections. I have been loosing weight too which is freaking me out right now.

I have gone to a private gastro doc which advises anyone with a chnage in bowel habit should have a colonoscopy.

The only thing is to advise your husband to go to his GP for investigation.
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