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Colon Cancer--Maybe?

I started thinking about all of this because I recently had bright red blood in my stool twice, within a few days.  This has happened in the past as well, but it doesn't happen that often.

First off, I'm 29.  I have had stomach problems most of my life, and I would say that on average I have diarrhea about once a day.  My mom told me once that chronic diarrhea can cause polyps.  So if that's true than it's very possible that I do have polyps.  Sometimes my stool is blackish, and sometimes it comes out in pencil thin strips, but not often.  Most of the time it's diarrhea, and it's usually regular brown color, although occasionally I would say it's reddish-brown.

I am also plagued with extreme chronic fatigue.  Now here's the thing: I do have severe sleep apnea (mixed, obstructive and central) and I've been tired my whole life, but recently, within the last few months, I've felt even more tired than usual.  To the point that I can barely think at work anymore.  Could it simply be the apnea getting worse or could this increasing fatigue be coming from somewhere else?
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Rectal bleeding is never normal and should always be medically investigated.  For possible causes google rectal bleeding and click on to one of the many sites - the Medicinenet site is particularly informative.  At age 29 you are very young to have developed colon cancer although very occasionally it can be demonstrated below the usual age range 40/50+.

You should seek medical advice preferably from a G.I. specialist and, unless the doctor can definitely assure you that the cause is minor (e.g. anal fissure, hamemorrhoids etc) I suggest that you request a colonoscopy - and maybe also at the same time - an endoscopy.

The medical name for blackish motions is melena - which you may also like to google for further info.  Maybe your chronic fatigue is caused by anaemia as a result of rectal blood loss...??

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Diarrhea doesn't cause polyps, but polyps can cause bleeding.  Anytime one sees blood in their stool they should have it checked out.  Daily dirrahea is not normal and with your symptoms I think you should see a Gastroenterologist ASAP!  Bright red blood can come from hemorrhoids, fissures, polyps and a lower GI bleed.  Black stool indicates an upper GI bleed.  This loss of blood is probably why you're so tired, it's made you anemic.  Sleep apnea will too if you're not using your C-Pap at night.  Don't wait on this, early detection is key to everything where our health is concerned.  I wish you all the best and take care!
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446049 tn?1649005835
Well, I found out that I had colon cancer after having a colonoscopy with the same symptoms as you've described. I was lucky that it hadn't spread past a couple of lymph nodes and was diagnosed as stage III. While going through chemo, I met several younger people in their 20s and 30s who were there for the same reason. Early detection is key and I urge you to get checked. Cancer doesn't happen at any specific age!!! Best wishes!
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Colon cancer is EXTREMELY rare in young people.  It is normally due to an hereditary colon disease which is in our family. Even with the hereditary disease early detection can save your life!  Take your health very seriously, if you don't and something is wrong, you will be forced to deal with it eventually, and probably not with good results.
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1208572 tn?1276142543
With having diarhea, blood and fatigue, you could very easily have colitis, diverticulitis or chrons which would be way more likely than colon cancer, but definately get checked out and see what it is.
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i had severe cramping start suddenly with lots of gas. this happened on the way to town. got to store and went to bathroom. passed about 1/2 cup of  bright red blood. i mean a lot  of blood. i still have the cramping for a little while after 3 days but no blood. i am concerned. please help. dr. has had me on miralax daily dose for 2 years.
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1501080 tn?1289351054
I am 42 and was diagnosed with colon cancer 3 months ago. I had no sign or symptoms till the week before I ended up in the hospital. I had no blood in stool no pains or fever. I normally have diarrhea after every meal due to fast moving intestines. So when I became constipated I tried to correct myself to no avail that constipation was my only sign, I ended up totally blocked by the cancer. So please if you do nothing else see your doctor immediately it could save your life. Not everybody has the same signs and just because you are young doesnt mean you cant have cancer. Mine ended up being familiar so it runs in the family. Good luck
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Great advise tims_1981.
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