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Colon Cancer Concerns

Hi, I'm 18 and for the past couple years I have experienced anal bleeding. Not from my anus itself, but the tissue around it.  About a year ago, i began having anal discharge that is odorless and seems like water.  Accompanying this is rather odd bowel movements, such as going multiple times a day, which is unusual for me, weird stool textures and other sorts.  I've been reading about colon cancer recently and have gotten myself freaked out.  I was wondering if this sounded like colon cancer to anyone. If not, what else could it be? Is IBS a possibility? I'm going to get it checked out. Thanks,
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1208572 tn?1276142543
Could be many different things. At your age, unless you have a family history of Colon Cancer it would be quite rare. Stop reading about Colon Cancer online as it will only stress you out!
Go to your doctor and get checked out. Could very well be hemorroids and IBS, or other non-life threatening diseases. Either way get it checked, but Colon Cancer would be quite rare.
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Well I went to the doctor today.  She hand checked my rectum and didn't find anything out of sorts.  She ordered a couple blood tests and a stool sample.
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1208572 tn?1276142543
Couldve been an anal fissure, which bleeds and heals up quick. Also bleeding from diverticulitis,etc. A FOBT will show if this is the case or not(Along with a CBC to check for anemia)
Do you have a family history of Colon Cancer? If not, you will be looking at IBS, Diver,Colitis and Chrons more than likely as the culprit. You would be a one in a million shot of having Colon Cancer that young. But good call on getting to the doc to get to the root of the problem.
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