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Colon Cancer at 18 Years Old?

I'm an 18 year old female and for the past 6 months or so I have had blood in my stool. The color of the blood is most often bright red, but sometimes dark. My mom contacted my doctor and they said I most likely have a hemrhoid and told me how to treat it. I did all of the things they asked, nothing worked. So I've basically been living with blood in my stool for the past 4 months with no idea what it is. I went to the doctor Tuesday for a slight cold and I told them about the blood. They did a rectal exam and found no hemrhoids, tears, or anything. But my stool was positive for blood. They set an appointment for me to see a stomach specialist, which is Tomorrow. Since this past Tuesday, I took all of my bronchitis medicine, since they said I had a slight case. I was feeling exceptionally well Wednesday-Friday, when it comes to bronchitis. There was still blood in my stool & it has intensified since my rectal exam. Saturday morning I woke up like death warmed over. I had a terrible cough and ended up having a fever of 100.5 last night. My mom had me sleep with her to monitor me and my fever went down to 99.1. Today, I've been coughing up blood and have had a few blood clots in my nose. My stomach was in excrutiating pain last night. COLON CANCER? What am I likely to find out tomorrow?
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Get a colonoscopy done.. Demand one. i am 33 went and had one this past tues and I had a polyp. Had bleeding for 2 years. They said if I would have left it a couple more years it could have turned to cancer. Go and get it done,,, DEMAND ONE>
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Hey have you talked to your dr? how are you doing?
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