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Could I have colon cancer?

Hello, I am a 22 year old female and I have been worried constantly for the past month that I might have colon cancer. about three weeks ago I had sever constipation. I sat at the toilet for long periods of time through out the day trying to pass a very hard stool. I finally gave up. I took metamucil that night and the next morning I went to the restroom and passed a very large stool. It was about the size of a small meatball and very round and a dark greenish brown color. After this incident I have been having a very hard time making bowl movements. when i get the urge to go i have to strain for anything to come out and when i do have stool come out of me its either very tiny pellets that are dark brown or stool that is about the size of a small mcdonalds chicken nugget and about the same color as a chicken nugget. sorry i know that sounds dumb but thats the only way i can describe it. I have also noticed that around the time of my menstural cycle (about a week before) i had very very severe back pain and my anus felt very tight and I could not make bowl movements at all for about three days. Right now I am finding that I have a lot of gas and that I am burping around 20 times a day even when I have not had anything to eat. Also from time to time i feel a sharp pain in the middle of my belly near my bellyh buttons towards the left side of my belly.

I am going to the doctors on wensday but I would like a little peace of mind until then. I dont have insurance at all so I am very worried that they might have to give me a colonoscopy. I have not had bloody stools or anything but last month i did have blood come out of my anus when i passed gas in the restroom a day before my menstural cycle. and yes I am veryh sure it came from my anus and nowhere else.

What are the chances of someone my age having colon cancer? the only known case of it in my family was from my great grandmothers sister. she had it when she was in her 60's but was cured completley of it. I dont know if that counts because she is kind of far removed from close family relation is that makes sense?

I have also noticed that my stool smells worse than it should... anyways please help me and give me some asnwers.. like i said I am going to the doctors wensday but I am really worried and cant stop thinking about it.
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Hi.  You need to start a stool softener like Miralax which isn't habit forming.  Eat yogurt that's enriched with probiotics everyday, and drink plenty of water. Make sure you get enough fiber...but not too much which can constipate you as well. I wouldn't worry about it being cancer at your age.  You may have caused a tear in your anus from straining so much....causing the bleeding, this even happens in infants and toddlers a lot.  It will heal on it's own.  Keep your doctor's appt. and I'm sure he will recommend what I have, or recommend a stool softener such as Colace. I honestly feel it's nothing serious, so try to relax.  I hope this has helped and wish you all the best!
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I went to the doctor last week and they ran a blood test. Everything came back normal except the doctor noticed my liver enzymes were elevated. I have no clue how elevated they are. I am going to get a sonogram on tuesaday to make sure I don't have any tumers. I am very worried even though my freinds and family tell me I should not be. I am not overweight at all, I don't drink, I don't take a lot of advil so I have no clue why my enzymes would be elevated. I am a nervous wreck of the news. I have also noticed that I keep belching a lot after everything I eat when in the past i never did. Even when I drink water I burp! I keep getting the hiccups as well. I'm so stressed out over all of this! I notice I still have consolation, no appetite at all and I'm loosing weight.
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There are numerous causes for elevated liver enzymes including Hypothyroidism, gallbladder problems.  Youth is on your side, so don't make yourself ill over this.  The excess burping is normally caused by swallowing too much air while eating or drinking, and anxiety can make us eat in a way to do this. I'm sure you have anxiety over this, and that is enough to make you lose weight, and eat in a hurried way, causing the belching.  But if you're not eating....you're going to lose weight. No matter what the cause...you will have caught it early and can stop it in it's tracks.  Since there are so many benign causes, please try not to worry so much that you're not eating.  You need to keep your body strong and healthy, if you find it too difficult to eat, get some Ensures to drink so that you get the needed nutrition and nutrients your body needs.  Please let us know what you find out. Best wishes.
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