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Could I have colon/rectal cancer !!!!

I am a 17 year old male. I have had constipation for a very long time as well as hemorrhoids.

I have been having back pain for a while which has subsided for quite a while and was most likely linked to my posture.
There has been pain in my rectal area for over a week now, and a feeling of fullness or pressure in my rectum but that has been dying down over the last week. My stool is not generally round and is kind of flat, not super flat or ribbon like but certainly not round.

My stool has been alot looser since I have been worrying about all this and tends to be smaller then why my stool is alot harder. I have heard mixed opinions on stool shape related to cancer. Supposedly it is just a myth from the 1800's that caught on but is not true.

I have been having pains in my abdomen for the last month, all around but 80% of the time it is just under my bottom left rib and mid stomach area. I had an ultrasound of my stomach with kidneys, liver ect and it was perfectly fine. I burp and past gas ALOT but don't throw up or feel ill.

I sometimes get clear mucus on my stool or toilet paper but not excessive amounts or blood, I only see blood on the toilet paper when I my hemorrhoids get irritated which hasn't been for about 3 weeks now. I had a lump just inside my anus which hurt but has been going down alot and the doctor just said it was most likely a hemorrhoid but further up just where the rectum starts I can feel a small lump type thing. It does not hurt but is scaring me alot ! The doctor said it was probably just scaring from an old hemorrhoid or part of my anatomy and nothing to worry about.

Someone in my family is diagnosed with IBS and Chrones Disease, aswell has had bad hemorrhoids when they were younger(around my age)

I am freaking out over this thinking I have cancer with all my symptoms it really seems like I do. People that have previously experienced this would be much appreciated if you could shed some light on it all :)
3 Responses
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10182110 tn?1408361205
As you are getting blood on your stool then it clearly shows the symptoms of colon cancer. There are some test you can do at home, such as fecal occult blood tests (FOBTs) and other tests, such as a colonoscopy which can be done in clinic or hospital.
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1806721 tn?1554333407
The mucus is consistent with IBD.  If you have family member dx'd with crohn's, you should be seen by a GI given the sxs you described here.
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I think you might be suffering from the problem of colon cancer. Take an appointment from your doctor and please see what actually the problem is. If he says that you are having some common problem then you may try safer colon. It is a good way to clean your colon.
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