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Could it be? Age 23

Male, 23 years of age
Weekend drinker
Minimal carb diet, alot of red meat and chicken
No family history of colon cancer- mother had a twisted colon a few years ago
Exercise 4 times a week

Hi everyone.  So, last week while in the supermarket, I had to make a bowel movement.  I had been drinking pretty heavily the night before, so it was no surprise.  After I moved, and I have no idea why, I looked into the toilet (which I never do).  There was A LOT of bright red blood.  I almost passed out.  I kept thinking that it might have been the watermelon I ate that morning, no way, no how.  

Over the past few years, I have always had a little bit of bright red blood on the toilet paper after I wipe, but  figured it was just some small tears in my anus.  Im sure it is.   Anyways, it really freaked me out.  Later that day I started to have some stomach cramps.  Very mild, usually on my right side near my waistline, and then sometimes I would get some pain in my groin, and then it would sometimes switch to my left side.  Again, not pain, more like a cramping feeling.  I made a few more bowel movements that day, and  you could clearly see the blood, but it was very scarce.  That was about a week ago, and I have never seen more blood in the toilet than with than initial incident.  Once I started to feel some cramping in my stomach, I decided to go see a GI.  

He just took my vitals, 147/80, which is high for my age..  Only 23, and in pretty good shape.   He took my weight which was normal.   I told him about the changes in my bowel habits, sometimes tan, and other times darker in color.  I didn't tell him about the blood.  Stupid idea.  I was just really nervous and I regretted not saying anything the second I walked out the door.  He basically just said it must be some type of digestive issue.  Gave my some medicines to take before and after meals, and sent me on my way.

This entire week I could tell that nothing had really improved.  I started eating nothing but high fiber foods- whole wheat pasta, whole grain cereal with prunes, brown rice, bread.  My stool looked better, but it still had a very loose consistency.  I couldn't see blood, but there was definitely a good amount of mucus along side it.  Like a white, foamy, bubbly consistency.  I didn't even notice what it was until I had seen something on this forum about it.  It floated too.  Last night, even when i was feeling a little better,  I had somewhat of a bloody bowel movement.  I had to shine a flashlight on it to see it, but it was definitely there. Looked like little red specs that were about the size of a sunflower kernel? (lol cant think of another comparison)  I picked at it to see if it might be a piece of food, but i don't think it was.

Today i decided to go back to the GI.  I told him about the blood that I was experiencing.  He did a blood test, fecal blood test, and an ultrasound.  The ultrasound came back clean, my blood work was good (surprising because of my high blood pressure), but they did find red and white blood cells in my stool.  

He said that he thinks that it is some type of bacterial infection from food.  I have been living abroad for about 4 months, and have never been sick from the food.  He gave me some antibiotics and some other pain and digestive medications.  10 days, then a follow up.

I guess i'm still a bit worried.  I brought up the idea of a colonoscopy, but he wants to try out this medication regiment first.  My with cramps, and everything I read about on here, I feel like it may be something else.  Also, I didn't think that a bacterial infection could cause the colon the bleed.  However, I could be wrong.  We'll see how the medications go.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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Probably is just an infection.

I've been getting similar symptoms lately myself. And I'm pretty sure mine is an infection, and the doctor said I have a hemroid which was probably from a bad bout of the running number 2s.

Basically long story short, went out for a burger. Didn't agree with me and we were out around town. So I had to hold it for quite a while. And since then I have been getting stomach gurglin and gas.

I don't get any stomach cramps. But I have been getting gurgling lately which is annoying but I've been getting it under control with more fibre, plenty of fruit and veg and eating a yoghurt every day.
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Just wanted to update everyone on my current medical status.  I wrote my first post in March, scared out of my mind.  Since then nothing has really improved.  I go through stages of what seems like remission, but sure enough, I always wind up back in the same terrible state.

My bowel movements have been really inconsistent.  Sometimes I have really full, normal looking stools, however, most of the time I am constipated with loose, pencil thin stools.  Almost like elongated pellets. If I look very close, many times I can see some blood that is attached to the stool itself. I am a total hypochondriac, and constantly have this vision of a tumor growing somewhere along my digestive track.  Very scary.

My overall feeling of health hasn't been great.  I have been feeling very lethargic, and don't seem to want to go out much.  It kills me to know that something is going on inside my body, and I was just too scared to do anything about it.  Currently I am living abroad in South East Asia.  As the medical facilities look great, the language barrier with the doctors can be very difficult.  I still have stomach cramps that come and go, and I have started to develop some sort of acid reflux in my throat as well.  Sometimes I feel as if there is a bubble in my chest that wont go away.  Especially after I have just eaten.

Last week while sitting at work, I decided that I had had enough.  I wanted to know what the hell was going on inside my body, for better or for worse.  I made an appointment for a full GI screening, and they had me in there 2 days later for a colonoscopy and endoscopy.  

I must say, the whole procedure was a breeze.  Although I was completely aware of everything that was going on, I didn't seem to feel much of anything.  It was pretty unreal being able to watch the inside of your body on a big screen TV right in front of you.  

Watching the camera slide through the dark tunnels of my large intestine was terrifying. I thought that around every unassuming corner, a large bubbling bleeding mass was going to pop up and take everyone by surprise.  The doctors and nurses in the room were all speaking another language, so I couldn't understand anything that was going on.  I found myself turning my head away from the monitor multiple times because I was so terrified that they were going to find a tumor.  Thankfully, I felt the tube being pulled out of my rectum with smilies on everyones face.  I knew that was a good sign.  The doctor tried to leave the room quickly knowing that in my partially sedated state I was going to start asking a bunch of questions as I usually do.  However, there was only one question on my mind.  As he slipped out the door, I yelled "no cancer??" He poked his head back in with a grin on his face, one that suggested how stupid my question was, and said no.  

Diagnosis- a mild case of colitis.  He believes that it was triggered by numerous bowel infections that I had within the previous few months.  

As far as my endoscopy goes, That was a breeze as well.  They sprayed a numbing agent in the back of my throat so I didn't really feel the tube going down my throat at all.  Diagnosis, acute gastritis.

I have to wait a week for the pathology reports, but the doctor seemed certain with his diagnosis.

I wanted to share this because for better or for worse, this forum has been an outlet for me.  On those frantic evenings when you think you are dying, the posts on here can be very comforting.  I hope people will continue to write, and more importantly, respond.

For everyone who is dealing with similar issues, or for that matter, any issues, GET A COLONOSCOPY.  I couldn't recommend it any more.  I had the thought that a colonoscopy was a big invasive procedure would not only be very painful, but very dangerous.  Even after reading all of the posts on here about how easy the procedure was, I was still terrified.  When all is said and done, I just thank god that such a painless and accurate device was developed that could clear your mind and give you the answers that you have been dying for in minutes.  

I wish everyone the best of luck, and feel free to get in touch with any questions you may have.
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