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Could it be colon cancer?

Dear all,
I have experienced bad gas - mostly at night, once I go to bed - for almost a month. Have been treated for amoeba. Once stopped treatment (which seemed to have worked straight away) I have started experience diarrhea, very bad gas and - when I press - pain at the lower left quadrant of the abdomen. I have done a test again after three days from the end of the treatment. The amoeba seems to be gone. I am a 41 years old female.

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Hi.My husband had pains on his left side so we went to our dr he showed him where the pain was that is your colon so while my husband went and had the colonoscopy,my dr found a tumor the size of a base ball we had the sergery done the dr came out and said that my husband is ok but its colon cancer so they removed all the lymphth 22 of them 2 got hit so he had to go for chemo for 6 months  its been over yr my husband was only 44 yrs old when he found out but he is doing really good he goes every yr for his checkups.it doesnt matter your age just go and get tested it doesnt hurt they put you to sleep,you will feel better when they tell you every thing looked great dont be scared just go ok let me know ok alwayswithme
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1003051 tn?1260756114
Seems so disturbing. Have you tried to consult a doctor? Based on the symptoms that you have shared, it is an alert call for you to seek a physician's advice.

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