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Diarrhea 5-8 Ttimes/Day 6 Months after Operation

I was spending this past year teaching in Malaysia when my appendix burst six months ago. Because it was several days after the burst when my doctors finally recognized it, they had to perform a colectomy, removing some of my intestines, colon, and what used to be my appendix.

The past six months, I've had sudden needs to go diarrhea (sometimes half diarrhea, half normal) about five to eight times a day. The doctor kept insisting that it was normal. I'm vegetarian and eat quite healthily. Furthermore, the pattern hasn't changed much since I returned home to super healthy food two weeks ago. My questions: is it normal? Will it ever return to normal?

I'm back in the States now, but it won't be until two months until my health insurance kicks in, so I'd rather not see a doctor.

Thanks so much!
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I forgot to mention: the doctors in Malaysia are not very competent. For example, I went to four hospitals and saw over 20 doctors before one finally identified it as appendicitis (after it had burst). That's why I'm asking you all. Thanks!
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I can imagine that you must have had a worrying time because a burst appendix often causes peritonitis which can be life threatening if treatment and strong antibiotics are not provided quickly.  At least that threat has passed....!!

Anyway, in 2004 I underwent a total colectomy - but for torrential diverticular bleeding and, in response to another Medhelp patients posting, I summarised my experiences in a posting dated 20 May 2004 under the reference:-


You may like to have a look at this.  In reply to your specific question about the frequency and "consistency" of your #2 motions I would suggest the following:-

Imagine you are trying to clear up a liquid spillage on the kitchen floor by throwing sawdust onto the liquid to make it more "muddy/sludgy".  Well try the same with your diet namely:-

- plenty of fibre such as pulverised fresh vegetables to which organic bran has been added
- likewise pulverised fresh fruit to which organic bran has been added
- wholemeal brown bread
- no junk food, white bread, colas etc
- for breakfast make up homemade muesli (soak organic oats + bran in milk and add grated fruit, lemon juice, nuts etc etc.  It looks like wet cement but tastes OK!!).
- and yes, do spoil yourself with occasional Swiss chocolate!!

Hopefully this will increase the density of your #2 motions and also reduce the frequency of #2 toilet visits.  

Do come back with any questions

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527321 tn?1212630482
Hello try eating peanut butter, applesauce and pasta and imodium capsules  everyday somehow fit it in. My husband had an iliostomy for three months and then reversed, he had is sigmoid removed as well. He had this done at the Cleveland Clinic. With the ileostomy he had the runs all the time so they told him to add the peanut butter, applesauce, pasta, banana and the imodium capsules. Took 1 capsuels 20 min. before each meal and 1 at bed time. It worked wonders. Now without his sigmoid  he will never go to the bathroom right. He was go to many times at night and not much sleep so they told him to take the imodium as needed. So he does and it really works.
Hope things work out for you.
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What you're experiencing is very normal once the colon has been removed.  The trick to lowering the number of bowel movements per day is diet.  You need to figure out what foods increase your movements and either eliminate them or limit them.  I had 2 sons and a grandson that had to have their colons removed at a very young age due to FAP.  I lost my son and grandson to a Desmoid Tumor but my almost 42 year old son is doing very well and he says it's all about diet.  He is an ultrathoner, avid hiker and mountain biker so he can't be bothered with numerous bowel movements a day...he knows what makes him go and what doesn't and it's different for each person.  You know to drink lots of water and low sugar Gatorade to keep yourself well hydrated and keep your electrolytes in balance since dehydration is the biggest concern when you have no colon.  Actually, you're doing very well to only be having 5 - 8 bowel movements a day, so with some diet changes I feel you can do even better.  But this is pretty much how things will be from now on, and it sure beats the alternative!  You're very fortunate to even be alive and have endured an awful lot to get to where you are!  I wish you continued good health and take care.
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I hope you already found out about this today is one year from my surgery they removed 3 feet of my colon and some of my small had constant diarrhea my doctor gave me cholestyramine noe i lead a normal life
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