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Digestive problems, total constipation?


BIO: Male, 22, 155weight, 5'5, born with high blood pressure(it moves up and down, no medication)

I've been having constant nausea(without any vomitting) as if the food was stuck in there when I eat as much as I usually do. And I've been constipated for 2 weeks. I went to the doctor, which I had to wait from 8:30am to 12pm to see. And he wasn't clear on what I might have he jsut prescribe stood softner, ratio-docusate sodim(1 morning,1 night) which made nausea disappear and helped. He didn't tell me that your body could get dependant and that you shouldn't take it for more then a week(+ shouldnt take it if u have high blood pressure). So I stoped taking it after a week. Now it's still coming out, just in very small form factor and yellow, I have to push and they're soo tiny. After a few day I haven't blocked but I had one close encounter with nausea during sleep at one point which was gone the next morning.

Doctor had me take a blood test which I recently did, no result in yet. He said that should tell him what he needs to know whatever it is..

What could it be? S.O.S

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ok it cant be diabetes... did some test... I got result of first day 4.8 after-noon, 5.5 night... next day after eating breakfast 6.0... It's rather low then high so far. Must be something else...
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Ok after a multitude of test I experimented on myself... with information I forgot to mention..

I pee a lot(lost control of the flow aswell), mild thirst, sugar seems to affect me, constipation is still here although I do go to the bathroom on regular basis now. Diet of fiber(quality brown bread),water,fruits and veggies seemed to work pretty well until I took sugar candy today. Milk product still seem to affect me aswell. I get cramps, gas and increased hunger... even not long after I already ate, I get like those little cramps that seem to tell me I'm hungry which I shouldnt be... I seem to be gaining weight because of it.. Took 4 days+ to heal a sprain thumb which shouldn't take that long.

Don't you think this looks like type 2 diabetes?
Pee a lot, constant constipation, thirst, increased hunger...

Could it be something else? I can't wait to get those blood test result... I can get a good idea by self diagnostic but it's always best not to get it wrong so doctors are a must.
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Thanks for your reply Heinrik,

The nausea has been gone most of the time now, it only comes back if I over-eat. It seems to me as if I have to eat less but more often for some reason. I don't feel to good if I eat certain food like anything related to milk. I've never been allergic to anything in my life... Maybe it's a little intolerance to milk products. For example yesterday, I decided since I've been eating tons of veggies and fiber food maybe I could have a little snack at McDonalds(two cheese and fries with honey mustard) then at the movies(popcorn with butter), total mistake I felt like I over-ate afterward for the rest of the day. However I had eaten old cheese and tried to drink cofe like I used to... mistake aswell..

I seem to be reacting to coffee(i do add milk and tons of sugar, shouldnt drink coffee period), milk products...

While I was trying to sleep, my belly was trying to kill me with major gaz(i've been having lots of gaz very often) and intestial movement which could keep up anyone. And overall without the meds, I've been constipated except on two occasion I had diareah(after eating lots of brocoli with a milk sauce) felt very good after though, slept like a baby.

My intestine are screwed up, but it hasnt been as worst as the time I went to see the doctor. Right now, what I feel is somewhat minor compared to when I was almost completely blocked.

Bloated? I'm not sure maybe a little, it's hard to tell.

Regards, Alex.
Any question I'd be more then happy to answer.
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At your age diet therapy would be something to consider. Taking more vegetables would be helpful, you could also try some oats. There are some supplements available that contain Psyllium, which would also be helpful.
I am a bit concerned with the nausea. Do you feel nauseated or bloated? The bloated feeling may be due to the slow movement of food through your intestines. This would signal an aversion to food as well and will be the symptom of nausea. Nausea however, may involve more than signal in the brain from the intestines. If you are always neauseated and therefore not eating, then the little food intake would likely get you constipated as well. In this situation, an evaluation of the nausea would be very important as it seems to be the root cause, not a secondary symptom. An evaluation including headaches and a consideration of diseases of nerves and the brain would be important.
You don't seem to be very happy with what your doctor initially prescribed. Perhaps you could discuss at length the nausea, and then report what occurred while on and off the softeners.
Stay positive.
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