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Getting my colonoscopy done and scared as h***?

Getting my colonoscopy done and scared as h***?
Some of you know my questions I ask.. I talked to my dr. today and he is going to set up my colonoscopy next week. I have been having blood on bowel movements alot over past year and a half and it happens everytime I go. I am scared to death, not of the procedure but the end results. I am 33 and act like a huge baby... I am terrified of having colon cancer well actually having colon cancer that has gone too far... I just wanted to let you know ( those who know my anxiety) that I am going to get done.. wish me luck!!! and good outcome.
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222011 tn?1265472048
Want to wish you all the very best for next week. I can truly understand how worried you must be. My husband is having the same procedure next week and he's not giving the impression of being worried but that might be for my benefit. Don't think the procedure is too bad but it's the waiting for the outcome that causes all the worry. I'm sending you positive vibes for a good outcome. All the very best.
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I notice that your age is 33 and this is very young to have developed colon cancer although there are very rare cases when the disease is discovered at young ages rather than the norm (40/50+).

Do type rectal bleeding into google to find out more.  There are many sites - the Medicinenet site is particularly informative.  Then you will be better informed when you discuss with your specialist.  The colonoscopy procedure is not uncomfortable - viz;-

- purgative/enema on the day before/on the day
- sedation (via needle in the arm just before the procedure) - you don't feel or remember anything
- the procedure takes ~30 minutes
- wake up feeling normal
- have a cup of tea and (if you are lucky) one of the hospital's smoked salmon sandwiches!!
- rest for 2-3 hours
- then go home (but don't drive yourself)

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