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Help!! Bright red blood on the surface of stool

Hello, I had rectal bleeding about 4 years ago which turned out to be a hemorrhoid, The doctor clipped it and about a week later I noticed bleeding again. Called the doctor and I schedule a appointment but the appointment was two weeks away. So every day until my appointment I stuck my finger in to my rectum I know disgusted, but I noticed a bulge get The bulge got smaller every day until my appointment The doctor looked inside my rectum couldn't find anything wrong so he scheduled a colonoscopy. I have a cleared colonoscopy no polyps or anything fast forward to now four years later I noticed right sweat blood on the surface of my stool. It's all in one place about the size of a dime, my stool has always been hard and large I think my whole life. Sometime it's difficult to push them out sometimes, and it hurts like hell sometimes also every time I have a bowel movement about 30 to 45 minutes later around my rectum on the outside would Itch like crazy, don't know if I have cuts or what but it does it like almost all the time. So I'm thinking should I get a doctor to do a colonoscopy again to ease my mind. What do you think ? Am I being paranoid. Ps I'm only 33 years old no family history of colon problems.
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1806721 tn?1554333407
Sounds like anal fissure.  Please see a GI.
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