7646776 tn?1392956725

History of Digestive Problems

Hi. This is my first post here. I became desperate for someone to relate to, talk to, and I suppose I need a recommendation for a good doctor as well. Since August of last year, I have been suffering from very odd and possibly unrelated symptoms, though at this point I'm not so sure they aren't connected.

I'm 24 years old, female, have had two children with no problems. When I was 18 I was treated for MANY ulcers in my stomach, colon polyps, and H. Pylori infection that caused weight loss, uncontrollable bowels, diarrhea, and vomiting. I do have a family history of colon cancer and Crohn's disease. But there are more problems now then what I faced at 18. I don't FEEL like I have cancer, but I have never had it so I suppose I couldn't rule it out either. I am posting here because, frankly, I don't know where else to post.

I've lost 11lbs or 10.45% of my body weight. My blood pressure is a constant 110/70, I am anemic, pale, I have lax joints that flare up and cause pain. Dislocations and sublaxtions of my rib joints, arms, and hips are common for me and I go see my naturopath to place them back in when I can't. She has me on MANY vitamins, but isn't interested in going forth with testing me for anything. I have also progressively gotten worse with brain fog, can't find the right words, or use the wrong words all the time, and I am starting to stutter more and more.

Besides what she has told me and what I have experienced up top, she believes I have a malabsorption issue and I'm not getting enough of anything. I have had "episodes" of paralysis in my right foot twice and my left foot once. Now three of my right toes won't bend all the way anymore. And I have woken up twice now and tried to get out of bed to only fall on my face. My whole lower half was paralyzed for ten minutes each time. After one of those episodes, I could hardly walk for a week without collapsing from weakness in my legs and I would get winded from only two steps. It progressively got better until I could walk normal again and now I haven't had an "episode" like that since.

Just this last week, I have had black flecks in my stools, diarreah, blurred vision that just happens for a minute or so, dizziness especially when I stand too fast, reach up high, or climb. My husband hugged me the other day and when we released I collapsed onto him and started shaking very badly. My vision blurred, had tunnel vision, and while I could hear him ask me if I was okay, I couldn't respond until it stopped just half a minute after it started.

I am VERY scared and frustrated with my current doctor for not helping me in the way I feel she should. I just want some answers. So, maybe, just maybe, someone here can help me out. I think I've covered everything. It seems like a lot, and IT IS. I need help desperately. Please, someone help me.
7 Responses
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What state do you live in?????
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7486852 tn?1410352184
Sorry it took me so long to get back to this. I had my biopsy results come back normal. Although I have been told since that my gyno thinks I have endometriosis, which will cause the bowel issues as well as many more. But my GI says not to count on it all being from the endo, he also thinks I have a slow colon & I will probably be on things like miralax and stool softners for most of my life.. Did they biopsy your polyps? If not they should
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7646776 tn?1392956725
In case anyone is interested, the vitamins she had me on are as follows: Iron (200mg daily), 10,000 IU of D3, 4 packs of E-mergency or heavily salted foods, 2 giant bottles of Gatorade or 4 regular bottles, 1 TBSP of cal/mag at bed time, 2 b-complex in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, 1 joint mobility pill (I can't recall the name - vegetarian gluesom... -- something!), And a digestive complete pill. She also wanted me to take wild yam supplements for my menstrual cycle, but I brushed this off because, frankly, a regular menstrual cycle is the least of my worries right now. I did these supplements daily, with nothing to drink but water and all fresh, cooked meals with raw veggies and fruits, for around four months with little change. So, I stopped the supplements.  
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7646776 tn?1392956725
Hi! I'm sorry you are dealing with the same problem. I have thought the same thing myself, but Crohn's was ruled out when I was 18. And the GI I had seen didn't seem too concerned with my issues. He told me to stop stressing and take the meds he gave me. But, funny thing, I'm not a very stressful person. I laugh and enjoy life as much as anyone else around me. I've only recently been depressed after these issues have taken a toll on my daily living. I feel as if I can't do anything without feeling dead while I'm doing it.
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7646776 tn?1392956725
Hi! Thanks for answering. I'm not sure how many I had, but yes, they removed them during my colonoscopy. No, I haven't been scoped since then. I haven't had insurance until just recently, nor any reoccurring problems until this last year. My doctor does seem rather hesitant to refer me to anyone else. And now, I have no insurance at all. I'm having a horrible time trying to find a doctor to listen to me. In my area, there are a lot of drug addicts and it's a small town. So, I assume the doctors here either think I'm a drug addict or I'm over-reacting, because I AM too young to have these issues. It frustrates me and I have pretty much given up on my current doctor. They did do blood work for HIV/ AIDS, thyroid, diabetes, and hepatitis, as well as any other STI's/ STD's and blood count. But, that's all. I feel like maybe I am crazy, but my body says otherwise. Obviously, they don't know how I was before. But they (the two doctors I have seen) also don't seem very interested in believing me, or rather, hearing me out.
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7486852 tn?1410352184
Hi, I am also 24 and am having a lot of the same problems as you mention although I've not had a polyp. I am seeing a Gastroenterologist and I had a colonoscopy on Monday after they suspected Diverticulitis, and colonoscopy confirmed it isn't they took a biopsy of some tissue from the lining, so that should tell me exactly what's wrong at least I hope. I am a little concerned its colon cancer but we are young and it very well could be just a digestive disorder like chrons, colitis, celiac ect. I hoping to have my results this coming Monday they said 7-10 days..
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Hi, 18 is very young to have polyps.  Did they remove them, how many did you have?  Are you getting scoped yearly? Is a Naturopath the only doctor you see?  You have to be very careful with supplements and vitamins as they can interact with one another.  Have you had blood work done, and if so did it show anything too high or low?  If you don't have a GI doctor you need to get one.  I feel you need a complete work-up by a different doctor because something is obviously wrong and your current doctor is just stringing you along with no answers.  She should have referred you to someone else a long time ago.  If you don't mind, answer these questions and let me see if I can guide you in the right direction.  Thanks!
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