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Positive FOBT and anemia with negative colonoscopy?

Hey everyone,
I came on tis forum because I've been having some stomach issues lately and I'm not getting any answers.  So, back in September I got a fecal occult blood test done, which came back positive.  A blood test also showed slight anemia.  My GI ordered a colonoscopy with biopsies, all which were negative.  I was okay for a while, but aroud two months ago I started to feel run down.  I had another blood test which showed anemia again, and I was asked to take multivitamins with iron.  This didn't help much, and last month I got another stool test done which was negative, but the blood tests still showed anemia despite the vitamins.  I had another colonoscopy just a few days ago, but it was clear again except for one tiny internal hemorrhoid.
My question is, despite the negative colonoscopy, I still feel like something is going on and I'm still bleeding from somewhere.   My hemoglobin and ferretin continue to go down, and I know that stool tests don't show blood all the time.  I'm just SO frustrated because I continue to feel really tired and sick all the time, and both my parents and GI seem at a loss for what else to do.  I've had 2 colonoscopies, 1 endoscopy, 1 abdominal ultrasound, 1 transabdominal ultrasound, a Meckel diverticulum scan, ova and parasite stool tests, and a calprotectin test, all which came back negative.  I just don't know what to do because I feel like something is wrong but every test is clear.  I also have a skew of other bowel issues, like increased bowel movements (I used to go once a day, I started going 3-4 times a day since August), excessive gas, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation.  I also lost some weight but it's currently stable.
I have a follow-up with my GI on the 28th, what else do you all suggest I ask her?  Are there any more tests that should be done?  Because I just need some answers as to why this is all happening.  I don't want to keep feeling so sick and worried all the time, it has really affected both my school and social life.  :/
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