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Its just getting worst, and I'm really worried now. Colon cancer?

It started out with streaks of blood on the stool which I dismissed as hemmarroids (this went on for 2 years), now theres blood IN my stool. So part of  my stool is clay colored while the other part is orange, and I can see red blood in my stool when I spread it out.
Recently I just had really dark green, pretty much black stool too.

Talk about rainbow poop, right? This is no joking matter.

Plus I'm constantly dizzy and short of breath.

I'm really really scared. Given the fact that I just turned 19 last month I know the chances are slim, but nothing is impossible. i dont have health insurance for another 3 weeks, but I don't know how much longer I can wait to get everything checked out before driving myself insane with worrying.

Should I worry? Should I spend money out of pocket and get it checked ASAP?
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I ended up making an appointment for this wednesday. figured the cost shouldnt go over 350. Thank God my insurance waived pre-existing condition policy for this year. I'm starting to feel a lot of pain and some swelling in my legs. I really just pray that everything will be okay. I'm too young to die x___x
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Anything serious at your age is extremely rare!  I'm not a doctor but I don't feel waiting a few more weeks would hurt.  You may be dizzy and short of breath due to anxiety from worrying about this, or you may be anemic from losing blood.  If it were me...I'd wait the 3 weeks because you will need to have some pretty expensive testing done.  I'm not taking this lightly, but have dealt with a lot of colon cancer in our family and cancer at your age just rarely occurs...if ever.  There are other conditions that can cause your symptoms, so try to relax.  You do want to go ahead and get an appt. scheduled with a Gastroenterologist so that when your insurance does kick in, you won't have to wait as long.  It can take some time to get in to see one, so do this in the meantime.  Take care.
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