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Large tumor w/lymph nodes involved

My mother just had a bowel resection where the surgeon removed a tumor the size of a golf ball, along with her appendix and lymph nodes.  The tumor was malignant and he said it was in the lymph nodes also.  I don't know what questions I should be asking the doctor or what other tests should be done.  She is 67. He said if she were 10 years younger she would def have chemo, if she were 10 years older, def not. He said she is in a gray area.  Meeting with oncologist monday, should have the path back on grade etc... then will dicuss options.  Any one have any advice as to how to proceed? Or questions that I should be asking?  Does anyone have any idea on prognosis? Thank you in advance.
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I would ask why she can't have chemo now....what is his reasoning here? Ask if the cancer has spread to other areas, did they remove the lymph nodes?  If she can't have chemo what other options are there...how effective are they, best case scenario and worst case scenario.  I'm sorry your mother is enduring this and hope you get some answers.  I wish you both all the best.
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The onc. said 12 rounds of chemo. going to start in about a month after she is healed up from surgery.  They took 18 lymph nodes, 9 were positive. no sign of spreading to other organs.  Stage III, high grade. I have the path report, will have to go over it with the onc. First appt with him on feb 22.   Thank you for your response. Best wishes.
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