446049 tn?1649005835

Neuropathy question

I completed chemo treatments (folfox) in January of last year.
I still seem to be experiencing some neuropathy in my toes
and fingertips, especially when they're cold or touching ice cubes
or something cold.

I go to see my oncologist next month for next series of tests,
but was wondering if any others have had this lasting effect,
perhaps from the eloxoplatin?

Thank you in advance!
Best Answer
277836 tn?1359666174
Hey my mother has just finished chemo a couple of months ago.. She is having the same issues.. Her Dr told her it would never go away. That it was a lasting side effect from the chemo she recieved.. You would think after treatment a few months later you would feel great agin.. She has continued to decline with her health she is only 53.. I will no except the fact this numbness wil not ever go away hopefully we will find an answer...

I hope you are doing well after treatment...My mothers cancer was unexpected we thought it was the flu. But her blood test at the ER came back non viral so they did a Cat Scan and found a grape fruit size tumor... They did surgery the same day they found it..Keeping my fingers crossed....
6 Responses
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446049 tn?1649005835
Did she have the chemo med called -


This is what I think is causing it. Best wishes to your mother and think positive, that's what I try to do, but sometimes easier said than done.
Helpful - 0
277836 tn?1359666174
These are the drugs she had during treatment for chemo...

Hexadrol and Eloxatin..Oxaliplatin..Fluorouacil..

I just know she has had many issues after treatment...She also had Folfox which I think is the same as the Oxaliplatin??
Helpful - 0
446049 tn?1649005835
Eloxatin is the brand name for Oxaliplatin and what causes most, if not all
of the neuropathy and other side effects. Keep thinking positive thoughts!

Folic acid is supposed to help, and it helps me a little, but not a cure all.

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277836 tn?1359666174
I am very positive with her... I just hope she stays strong...
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446049 tn?1649005835
Just checking in...how is she doing now?
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