1215994 tn?1322067791


can any one tell me if they had muscle spasm or tremmers  in there muscles before being diognosed with cancer. can any one telll me what this is?
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My husband, too, has rectal pain often and is very severe and lasts around 30 minutes or longer.  I tried heating pads, even sticking the finger up a little ways to see if that would relax the rectum.  doctors can't do anything for it.  I even tried a massager and then hand massaging the area.  Nothing worked.  So, my husband laid on his back and bent his knees toward his chest.  He asked me to put pressure on his legs.  So, I got on the bed and sat on the shin area while his legs are bent and leaned forward to put some pressure on and then he asked me to stop when it was the right amount.  After I did that, the pain went away.  so, those of you that are having this problem, try this and see if it helps.

I don't think this is a sign of colon cancer.  My mom had colon cancer and her first sign was having black stool.  It's always good to have a colonoscopy anytime you feel something is wrong.  Hope this helps.

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I had excruciating pain and uncontrollable muscle spasms in my sphincter.  That and a lot of bleeding sent me to my GP doctor who gave me a fecal occult blood test.  That was positive so he referred me to a GI doc who did colonoscopy.  That revealed a stage 3 rectal tumor.

Nobody ever addressed the issue of muscle spasms directly, but clearly they were related to the tumor.

Are you having symptoms like that?  Please seek medical advice immediately.  Colo-rectal cancer responds very well to treatment, and early detection is the key.  Go to the doctor immediately and keep on asking until you get some definitive answers.

Good luck.  Let us know what you discover.

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