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Rectal Bleeding Without Bowel Movement

I am 56 years old and over the last months have had 3 incidents where I had rectal bleeding without a bowel movement.  The bleed occured before I went to the washroom.  I had a mix of fresh blood and blood clots.  I had suffered from hemoroids in the past but had them fixed, but they only occured when I had a bowel movement.

Any suggestions to what I'm suffering from now?  The bleeding is not heavy - about 2 tablespoons.  No pain expcept for a lower back ache.

Thanks for any help!
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Hi...it's time to see your doctor ASAP!  Lower back pain can indicate that there is something going on, especially along with the bleeding.  The sooner you address this the better!  If you didn't have a scope at 50 it's time to get started so you can nip whatever this is in the bud to prevent it from becoming serious.  We have more of a tendency to develop polyps after 50 and they can bleed, and need to be removed during a colonoscopy due to them becoming cancerous.  So, you can see the need to address this right away.  I'm not trying to worry you, but get checked out right away.  Take care.
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     Its very dangerous that you suffer from rectal bleeding without bowel movements,you should consult with your doctor , don't ignore it ,it is serious problem .
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     Its very dangerous that you suffer from rectal bleeding without bowel movements,you should consult with your doctor , don't ignore it ,it is serious problem .
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