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Rectal Bleeding

Hi, I have been experiencing blood and mucus in my stools. This has been going on for about a month but its something that comes and goes. I went a week where every bowel movement contained some amount of blood. And then two or so weeks with none so I figured it was just a fluke, but then it reappeared yesterday and I haven't had a bowel movement since. should I see a doctor? does insurance usually cover a colonoscopy?
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Hey, Thank you so much. I'm about to call the doc.
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You are young enough such that the more sinister diseases are likely to be absent.  For example, colon cancer generally only starts to show at age 40+.

However, rectal bleeding is never normal and I suggest that you do get it checked out even though the cause is liklely to be "minor".  The most comprehensive test is indeed a colonoscopy and I suggest that you press for this and don't allow yourself to leave the consultation room with a presumptive diagnosis such as "well it is probably  .... anal fissure ....."

Good luck
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I meant to add that I'm a 22 year old male.
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