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Scared!! Colon Cancer?

A little over a month ago I went to the ER for chest pains.  Then followed up with cardiologist for stress test.  All negative.  I'm 47, male in good shape with no health issues.

Symptoms (pain is more like a discomfort and is usually present)
-pain under rib cage (upper abdomen) that sometimes moves from the right to left side and sometimes is in the middle (feeling like heart burn).  At night when I lay on my right or left, pain sometimes increases until I change position.
-pain sometimes moves up to the chest under the pecs both right and left side
-back pain that moves around
-bowel habits seem different.  No trouble going in the morning through about noon then get constipated in the afternoon.  Stools are usually light brown in color.  Occasionally, in the afternoons I have gas and push out some white mucus.
-no tenderness of abdomen or stomach
-just a general unwell feeling (slightly light headed at times)

I've been to my gastro doc who put me on Dexilant for two weeks - no change.  Currently have an endo and colonoscopy scheduled for Feb 19th but every time I feel the pain, I have dire thoughts.  So, it's now been at least five or six weeks with the symptoms and every day that passes is another another day for the cancer (if it is cancer) to grow.  I'm the impatient type and would like to get diagnosed asap but was curious if anyone else here has had similar symptoms and can provide some guidance.  Thanks in advance.
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Had blood work done last Friday.  All seems fine with the blood.  Still waiting on insurance to approve the CT scan of the abdomen and chest (with and without contract).  Pain has been remarkably better since last Friday (Doc also prescribed Lorizapam for my anxiety).  Not as intense and I've been able to get back to the gym in the early mornings.  I still feel something under the rib cage on both sides and in my back but there are times I think this is a muscular issue.  Time will tell.  Can't wait to get the CT scan.

Appetite seems normal again and I think I'm gaining some weight (only lost 7-8 pounds) but normally weight myself on Sunday mornings so will see then.
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You definitely need to have your gallbladder checked out.  Also, your liver and have them look further into your Pancreas. If they haven't done any blood work then insist on that because it can tell us so much about what is going on. Thanks for keeping us posted!!
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Had a colonoscopy and Endo yesterday.  Although three polyps were removed both tests were negative.  The doc wants to wait for the results on the polyps prior to ordering more testing.  Regardless, I'm going to my primary doc tomorrow morning to review as I have to find what is causing this. He does not think it's pancreas but a bunch of my symptoms seem to correspond to the pancreas.  Then again, it could be anything else but this diagnostic process is so slow (I'm very impatient on an every day basis!).

I'm thinking the following:
-more blood work
-CT of chest and abdomen
-ultrasound of gallbladder
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The really good thing about a colonoscopy is that oftentimes you get immediate results from the visual ... waiting for other results is hard.  I've found that the waiting is sometimes the hardest part.  Try to do things to take you mind off your upcoming test.  It's really hard -- I know, I've been there, too.  Please keep us posted!

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There are so many non-serious issues that could be causing your symptoms that I wouldn't chance trying to pinpoint them to one thing.  You're doing the right thing in getting your scopes and although you hate the waiting...the time won't make whatever it is any worse.  Keep yourself well hydrated and avoid fatty foods until after your scopes.  Please let us know what you find out as we care and you may be helping someone else.  Wishing you all the best!
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