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Confused. Please help

Hi, I was wandering if anyone can help me, I've recently just come off my period, I went to the toilet earlier for a stool (which was really hard to force out!) and as I wiped, I saw a tiny bit of blood, I'm 100% off my period as I came off the other day, has this got something to do with it? I checked my stool and it was it's normal hardness. I wasn't  sure if it could be dangerous as my mother was adopted, therefore we don't know her family past (colon cancer) but I'm probably thinking this through to much, I have a possible cancerous mole on my chest, I also suffer with bad Anxiety and found hard lumps inbetween my chest (after 3 years they disappeared) Does anyone else have any suggestions as to what it could be? Much appreciated!
2 Responses
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656452 tn?1332783935
Above poster has given excellent advice.  Try not to worry, we do tend to get concerned when we see something different, and that's a good thing and always good to reach out to a trusted adult and/or doctor as Nursegirl mentioned.  Hope you are feeling better as of today.

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480448 tn?1426948538
Hello there!

Your situation does not sound worrisome at all.  It's completely normal to see a minute amount of blood after having strained to pass a stool.  Was the blood bright red?  I'm assuming you didn't see any after that?  Hemorrhoids can also cause some bleeding during/after a stool.  Some people don't even realize they have them.

It sounds like anxiety may be an issue for you.  If so, please stop by our anxiety forum, there are some super folks there who could help you, both by giving you some recommendations, and some support:


My unofficial opinion is that I don't see any reason for concern.  Of course, it's never a bad idea to ring your doctor's office and run it by them, just to put your mind at ease.  The doc may want to see you, or may tell you that unless it happens again, he/she isn't concerned.

If indeed you have anxiety, it's common to catastrophize about your health.  Any small, insignificant symptom/sensation/finding will be made into a terminal illness in the anxious mind.

Very best to you, take care!
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