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Second colonoscopy

My father has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer. He had a colonoscopy done by a gastroentrologist and the biopsy confirmed that he has an invasive low grade adenocarcinoma. He is scheduled to see the surgeon at the end of August. His first appointment with the surgeon is at the hospital and it is to have another colonoscopy performed this time by the surgeon. Is this normal for the surgeon to take a second look? Has me a little considered, so if anyone can enlighten me it would be greatly appreciated.

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My husband had transanal excision last Thursday to remove rectal cancer while in there DR did not remove it he found out it was more invasive than he thought and did a second biopsy, now he s talking about having mri and start chemo and radiation to shrink the 2 cm tumor before reconsider surgery, is this a  standard procedure?
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that is what happened to me i have too have another one in about 6mos found a pre cancerous polyp 20mm should i fear the worst or what
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2827584 tn?1340579696
No. This is not typical. Are you sure he's doing another colonoscopy or is it actually an endoscopic ultrasound? If the first colonoscopy was complete there is nothing more to see. The only reason that I would repeat a colonoscopy would be if the colon had not been completely cleared of other potential lesions. This can happen if the prep was not good.
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1118884 tn?1338592850
oops...your dad...not your husband!
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1118884 tn?1338592850
I agree with Mammo....it is a good thing.  A colo/rectal surgeon is the best doctor to diagnose and treat your husband.

The surgeon may want to do another biopsy while he is sedated....don't worry ....this is all indicative of a surgeon who is giving him the best care possible.
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I feel the surgeon is be very cautious in wanting to see for himself exactly what he's going to be dealing with and how the surgery should be done.  I wouldn't worry, I know it's not easy on your dad but it's good that the guy who is going to operate on your dad wants to see for himself what is going on. I think this is a good thing at a time when many doctors don't give us the time needed to diagnose or treat us properly.  My prayers are with you and your dad, take care.
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