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Signs of colon cancer?!?

I am 13 and have been constipated for 2-3 weeks. I have also previously been constipated several times. I don't feel like I have gotten everything out after a bowel movement, which I struggle to have. What really scares me is that I have a history of colon cancer. My grandfather was lost to colon cancer. Please help!
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16424988 tn?1448773671
Make appointment with your doctor today.  It's just as important to listen to your body and notice anything that's different and keep updating us above your health.
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I agree. You should concern your doctor as early as possible. This might be because of your family's medical history. Don't take this as normal. God bless !
Colon cancer center
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The best thing you can do is speak to your parents about your concerns and ask them to speak to your doctor
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Although I'm not a Doctor if you have family history of Colon Cancer I would discuss this with your parents and go for a colonoscopy. You are at a increased risk for getting colon cancer. Tell them about your family history and your symptoms!
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Oh yea also I am a boy to add to my post
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