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Stool issues have me asking questions

Hello I am a 30 y/o male. About two weeks ago I noticed blood on my stool and when I wiped I coated the paper with blood. I also noticed that I have had almost rectangular stools, and an increased amount of mucus on my stool with a slight amount of discomfort in my abdomen. I waited a week before seeing the doc with it continuing to varying degrees throughout the week. The doc did a physical and said he could not feel any hemorrhoids. He said that was strange (I guess he was expecting to find some) and he ordered a couple blood test and an occult fecal test and they all came back fine. I asked the desk to ask him if he wanted to make a follow up appointment or put in a referral to be seen by a specialist and he said no. Then last night I noticed that I passed what looked like a blood clot about the size of a dime and covered in mucus. It was very dark red. If anyone knows what this might be, please let me know. Thank you.
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