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Wheres my moms malignant biopsy if she has stage 4 metastatic colon cancer

My mom had a complete bowel obstruction that went untreated for months while incarcerated. They finally did surgery gave her a colostomy bag and said she had metastatic stage 4 colon cancer. This was in 2019. They have done different biopsies going down her esophagus, in her stoma, her lung and just recently her colostomy and all have came back benign no evidence of malignancy. She's never had bowel movements with the colostomy without drinking lactose. The 1st surgery was the only surgery. She's done the highest doses of all the chemotherapy that's available. Throughout the treatment she never lost her hair, didn't get sick it didn't slow her stride 1 bit. She just could not poop on her own. She's been off chemo about a year she just had emergency surgery for an incarcerated hernia complete bowel obstruction with perforation. They let this hernia get the size of a small watermelon. They say they held the cancer in their hands so why would they not get a biopsy of it? Instead they took another benign biopsy. I don't get it. We live in the middle of kansas. Her doctor has been federally indicted on several different charges. From medicare fraud to giving people chemo that didnt need it. Yes he still gets to work. This past 6 months she's stopped eating. She wants to but her nausea keeps her to a 1 bite maximum. The past 2 months she hasn't left the house mostly her bed. She's only 58. Is it possible to have a cancer so bad it's killing you but not get a malignant biopsy ever? Thank you.
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134578 tn?1716963197
Did you ever get her to a different doctor? Even doing something remotely with a new doctor using Zoom would be helpful if they would just review her records.
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