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Worried about pain

I have been having some pain where I believe my right ovary to be. I had pain there, around my back and down my legs. Also up my right side too. Gyno said she did not feel anything on my ovary, thought it might be an UTI. Seeing a urologist and so far sounds as if this is not the case. Urine coming back negative for bacteria. These pains come and go without any reason. Its not always there. But I read a story of a lady who's first sign of colon cancer was sciatic pain. My bowel movements seem pretty normal. Any loose stool or constipation resolves itself in a day. I do have hemorrhoids from giving birth to my kids. They never really bother me( a little itchy sometimes) so I have opted not to have them surgically removed. So I do occasionally have some bright red blood when wiping but was told that was the hemorrhoids. I dont know what to think now. I truly thought it was kidney pain and all related to that. But the tests seem to becoming up negative. I also had some gastritis. Is sciatic pain or pain in that area normally a sign of colon cancer. I am a 28 yr old female.
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With appendicitis, you may just feel a little off, or run a slight fever.  I have friends who felt this way for weeks before their appendix really flared causing them severe pain.  I understand what you're saying...we need to be proactive with our health but where do we draw the line?  It can be frustrating!
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Thank you. I tend to be a hypochondriac but recently have had some health issues which makes it much worse.

Just wish there was a simple and treatable answer!

Appendicitis? Wouldn't I be in really bad pain?
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You're very young for this to be cancer.  Have they checked you for appendicitis?  It causes pain to go down your leg, and pain between your ovary area and navel.  I have never heard of anyone having sciatica pain with colon cancer, I think this was more of a coincidence with the lady you speak of.  A blood test would tell your doctor if this is appendicitis.  I have seen cases where it lasts quite awhile before becoming really inflammed.  With you having back pain and pain down your leg, you may have a herniated disc.  I have sciatica and that's what caused mine.  I would see a gastroenterologist to verify that the bright red blood you see is indeed from hemorrhoids....I feel it is, but it will give you some peace of mind to find out for sure. There are several things this could be, and it's good that your are ruling them out one by one.  I wouldn't worry about cancer.  Best wishes.
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