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I wanted to know can You have rectal bleeding by walking for a long time especially if you are obesed.?
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As mentioned above, your age almost 100% precludes colon cancer.  Maybe hot foods are inflaming your intestines.  Try eliminating them from your diet and see what happens.  However, although no blood was found in your rectum, do you feel that you have a sufficiently definitive diagnosis?

I am sure that your obese situation should be "attacked" with exercise amongst other dietary remedies and if you continue to pass blood during/after exercising, I think you ought to return to your doctor.  Probably better to do that just after a bleeding episode so that the presence of blood can be seen..

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I have got checked out and the doctor said that she didnt find any blood in my rectum. So do u think I can rule out colon cancer. She said that maybe I need to stop eating hot foods.

Thanks for your help.
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I believe cancerof the colon only occurs at age 40+ (typically).  However there are other intestinal complaints such as IBS, Crohn's disease etc which may occur earlier in life.  So that you are best prepared for your consultation, I suggest you type in rectal bleeding to google/yahoo etc and obtain an overview.  You can then "drill down" into the various diseases that are mentioned on the rectal bleeding website.

I definitely think you should challenge the doctors to give you e definite diagnosis rather than a presumptive one.

Good luck
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Thanks a lot for the comment. I am going to ave it checked out. But do u think that I am too young to have colon cancer or something in that area.
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I still think that the circumstances are worthy of getting it checked out.  If regular exercise is to become a feature of a weight loss programme then you do not want to be bleeding on a regular basis and perhaps becoming anaemic - or whatever.

If you do not get a definite answer then anxiety will always be at the back of your mind because, as I mentioned above, rectal bleeding is never normal.  OK - you are young and much less susceptible to the more sinister causes but you owe it to yourself and your family to put this to rest or obtain the necessary treatment at the earliest opportunity.

I would urge you not to procrastinate unduly...

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Thank you for yor comment but i am only 18 and I dont have rectal bleeding all the time. It only occurs when i walk an i am an obesed person. I am 5'7 and weigh 280 pounds. Tell me what u think about this.
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The answer is that I don't 100% know for sure - but I would strongly doubt it.  In any case I suggest that you should get it checked out because rectal bleeding is never normal.  The causes can be minor (anal fissure/haemorrhoids etc) - or, especially if you are at age 40+ - you are entering the age range when more serious.diseases can occur.

Do ask your doctor for a definite diagnosis rather that a presumptive diagnosis even if this means asking for a colonoscopy.

Good luck
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