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colon issues, no medical or money.

Hello, I see many wonderful answers given in here so it can't hurt to try. I have no medical insurance and no means of it, nor any money really.
About a month or so ago, maybe a little longer... I spent most of the month not able to make. I did everything I could, no business done. Hurt like nothing else! I wouldn't make, but than I bled. Different though, not the bleeding because it could be irritated for as often as I've been in there but like it was already there. It bled, coated the toilet paper all day but none in the undies, just when I pushed to make business happen.
Now nothing has been right since. Nothing but very narrow stools, if they're even solid. I've lost in the past 3 month well over 30lbs. I eat like a flippin pig and though I am grateful for the weightloss, it's not me. I have some horrific gas pains from simply eating normal foods. Gas pains are so bad and last for the rest of the day and often carried into the next day, depending how much I ate. It feels like nothing sticks. I eat and either I throw it up because it feels like there is no room for it, when I didn't really eat that day or it goes right through me in a violent fashion.
I bloat to where absolutely nothing I own will fit and I'm so incredibly tired. My ribs kinda stick out being me with my new weight loss, but when I bloat, there practically missing thats how big I bloat. My biggest thing is the gas cuz it hurts so much. I also oddly enough get chest pains around my ribs.
Thanks either way, hopppe someone knows cuz doctors are very out of my price range unless I'm verrrry bad.
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I didn't wanna add this part but I really want help... I smoke pot, a bit. I absolutely cannot eat without it. Nothing, not even in it's smallest amount. I've let it go for over a week and half to see if that's the only reason I eat at all. So now I just do that often so when I eat, I eat well but that's when the problems happen. If I don't eat, I feel full and very far from hungry. Eating feels like right after Thanksgiving dinner, go put sweats on and eat more... it feels like I just did that but very well could have been days but then I drop serious weight real quick.
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While there are reasons for bleeding that may be related to benign reasons, I think the troublesome symptom is the weight loss. Some people actually eat less as an adjustment to their defecation problem subconsciously. But if you do eat much as you say and yet are failing to gain any weight, then an invasive evaluation may be best to get a diagnosis so as to expedite necessary treatment. If you really have no finances for medical care, then you could consider charity services, this is usually available in training institutions funded by the government.
In the meantime, you could try to cut your meals into smaller fractions so as to make use of whatever volumes your gut would allow to pass through. You could also check you diet and avoid certain items that tend to produce gas. A diet diary would be a good idea. Stay positive.
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