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colonoscopy results

Hi, recently had a colonoscopy just five months after my previous one -- they repeated to be sure after a suspicious lab result.  Anyway -- there were two polyps in the recent colonoscopy even though the one five months prior was clean.  Does this make sense?  I only talked to the GI's nurse and she didn't seem to know.   Any thoughts?  Apparently these were benign polyps but I was surprised they were there after just five months.
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Polyps are slow growing, so I would want to know the size of them.  If very small then "yes" this can happen.  Did they tell you what they biopsied the the last time and why?  It's important to know this. If your GI doc didn't sit down and explain what and why they biopsied something in your colon, then you need to find a new GI!  They only do a biopsy when something appears "abnormal" and it's your right to know exactly what their thoughts are.  I find all of this to be unsettling as well and can certainly understand your concerns.  Just remember the medical student that graduates at the bottom of his class is still called "Doctor."  There are good and bad ones, I think if they are not being forthcoming with you in all that has happened, I would definitely seek out a new doctor for your next scope.  Best wishes and take care!
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Thank you...these new polyps were 5-6mm which actually seemed fairly large to me for just five months...in my previous scope they biopsied something that they thought was an inflammatory polyp but it turned out to be normal tissue, so basically a clean scope.   My GI doctor didn't even call me afterwards, I talked to his nurse who knew nothing and my primary care physician who gave me an unconvincing answer.  Maybe I will call my GI doc, it does seem odd to me.
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None of this makes sense, and I can certainly understand your concern.  Even when they find polyps they don't want to repeat a scope for 3-5 years, so this shows that they wouldn't expect any new ones to appear before that time.  For you to have had a clean scope and then just 5 months later have two fairly large polyps tells me your doctor missed a lot with your previous scope. I think I would find another GI doc.  This one and his staff seem negligent to me.  I would either call the AMA and ask for the names of the top Gastroenterologists in your city, or you can google this. You can't get a straight answer from anyone, you must be so frustrated.  Keep us posted on how you're doing.
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Thank you Mammo, your shared concern drove me to get a copy of my test results.  Turns out the polyps were hyperplastic -- essentially harmless.  Had the doctor's office told me that in the first place they would have saved me a lot of worry.  As to your point about a new doctor -- this WAS a new GI -- so I guess I should question the one who I was seeing previously.  Again, thanks so much for your concern -- it really did motivate me.
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