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I am a 21 year old caucasian male. My grandmother passed away at 87 from bone cancer. Other than that no history of medical conditions...

Yesterday I had 2 hard bowel movements that were difficult to pass and slightly painful (nothing abnormal). In each I noticed 1 maybe 2 little specks of blood (lightish red). I was looking hard just to see if anything was wrong...

While I was online looking this up I noticed this thing called "pencil poop" and thinking about it I remember 2 maybe 3 times in my life having this. When I look back it always happened when I had an  anxiety attack. So this could mean nothing....

Doing research online I notice that there are very few cases of anyone my age getting colon cancer...

What are my chances of having colon cancer? Should I stop freaking out about this? If I don't have anymore bleeding is there any need to visit a doctor? Thanks in advance for your answers!!!
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So... I have had zero blood in my stool since. Until yesterday I had another hard movement and there was one small streak of blood. Same thing tonight. Hard movement small streak of blood. What does this sound like????? If it was cancer would the blood stop for a month? If it is cancer how curable is it in a 21 year old???
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1208572 tn?1276142543
Having pencil thin stools 3 times in your life will have nothing to do with what you have now. In fact most Cancer Registars say that Pencil Thin stools is somewhat of a myth. That most symptoms are bleeding and constipation followed by diarrhea.
More than likely you had an anal fissure or perhaps even some hemorrhoids. Especially with your age. However, with that being said, it would never hurt to go to a doctor and let them do a fecal occult test, to check for hidden blood and make their own diagnosis. Im going to put my money on the simple fact that you probably just had a tear from a painful bowel movement and nothing more serious.
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